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Voices not sounding???

Started by trebor1950, Feb 07, 2024, 09:49 AM

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This may be difficult to explain - but here goes......I know Im not cracking up I know they did sound....I have in a directory in my USB 1 (under the keys) named Voices - in there I placed 3 pages of  voices - they all worked - BUT now for whatever reason they have decided not to - I know the USB is ok because I can select other functions from it.....
Hopefully that made sence  ----any ideas please..



hi Rob,
What you have on USB are not voices: that are voice settings for actual voices.
The question is, are actual voices (for which these settings were made) on keyboard? Or were these voices installed as expansion pack (and later removed)?

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Bogdan - I will confirm - YES I am cracking up - Now you have answered my dilema its all come back to me....Yes they were Expansion saves which I no longer have installed.....
Thank you..........Hopefully the men in white coats will be picking me up soon :)