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Expansion voices

Started by hsttraindriver, Jan 27, 2024, 02:14 AM

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Hi all, I've got my Genos 2 and I wanted to load in the expansion packs from Yamaha. Everything loaded into YEM ok, except for the SA2 female vocals pack. When I try to load them, I get the message that the pack can't be imported because there is no instrument capable of using the pack. I must be doing something wrong, but I don't know what. Can anyone help please? Thanks.


The Vocal pack along with all the other packs has been converted to work in Genos2 so you need to use these. My vocal pack works well.


Yes, all the other packs downloaded into YEM and work perfectly. The female vocals won't for some reason.


Femal Vocals are already standard in Genos2. So the Expansion Pack no longer needs to be loaded via YEM.


If you are talking about the pack with just the two voices in they are now in the complete pack along with Pan Flutes and Trombone plus other new voices that we download for free after we have registered our Genos2.