selected keyboard does not support 128 note drum kit

Started by flanker25, Jan 06, 2024, 06:06 PM

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Dear All,

How can I upload the Tabla Kit 1 and Tabla Kit 2 in my Genos?

The Drum kits are from Yamaha Expension  packs, and I see the message" selected keyboard does not support 128 note drum kits" as in the image attached.

any suggestion? Can I somehow modify the two kits to reduce the notes to below 128 and avoid the error message?
There is a lock symbol next to the kit name in the image, which does not allow me to modify it,
Can we somehow unlock it?


[attachment unavailable]


You're not going to like this: I ran into the same issue, and it was *not* there before  YEM ...2.7? It was one that showed up in the last 5-6 years or so.

Which means to get rid of that error, you'll either need someone to create a version of the tabla kit that's not 128 notes (I'd appreciate the same!) or roll back YEM to the earliest version that supported Genos; I'm pretty sure that error was introduced when the PSRA5000 was (before that, 128 note drum kits didn't care, they'd install on any keyboard that supported YEM).

Guess which keyboards *can* handle 128 note drum kits? PSRA5000 and Genos2. That's all I know of so far; the tabla kit disappears on every other keyboard I try to install them in now, since around YEM 2.7x and later

But maybe someone here has already chopped the tabla kits down to fit? That would be great!


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Mark Wilburn

Gunnar Jonny

"" selected keyboard does not support 128 note drum kits""

Got same message when used YEM v2.10 at Genos1. Solution was to uninstall 2.10 and reinstall 2.7 that works like a charm at G1.

Now I have G2, and Yem 2.10 runs without any problems when install packs so far.


Quote from: Amwilburn on Jan 06, 2024, 06:39 PM
... it was *not* there before  YEM ...2.7? It was one that showed up in the last 5-6 years or so.
-true (or is maybe even less than that).

As basic as YEM is, it has absolutely no intelligence built-in. For example:
When we create install pack, regardless of it's size, we always get the message saying that "pack won't install if it's too large". That's weird because YEM knows the size of available memory for every keyboard (it's defined in *.n27 file). The only thing YEM should do, is to check IF selected content exceeds that size and only then show the message "Pack is too large for this keyboard" -every newbie programmer is able to accomplish that.

I didn't really investigate the "128 note limit case", but I think here we have a similar situation: we get the message that (drum) notes which aren't accessible on target keyboard, were deleted. That's ok... but the confusing part is, we get this message even if nothing is actually deleted!
I have created custom DrumKit, which only contains two percussion sounds (in the middle of keybed) and I still get that message -regardless, DrumKit installs just perfectly.
And again a simple task for newbie programmer: only show that message IF keys were actually deleted.


PS: I have capitalized IF for Yamaha guys, to remind them on programming conditional statement that's needed to be used  ;D
PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Dear All,

many thanks for your reflection on the issue, with your comments, I tried the previous versions of YEM to install the Tabla kit1 and 2.

YEM 2.3: Tabla kit is not disabled in the YEM view, how ever this version does not identidy the Genos instrument .27 file. So it seems Genos is not supported by this YEM version, and no further test could be possible.

YEM2.6: This version identify the Genos, so I created the packs with Tabla Kit1 and Tabla Kit 2. Below are the observations:

1. Yes, with this version, the Tabla Kit1 and Tabla Kit2 could be installed, I did not see any warning "selected keyboard does not support 128 note drum kit". so it is a success as mentioned in previous comments. But this success came with a catch and dilemma.

2. Catch: many of the Yamaha pack sounds and custom expansion pack sounds were disabled by the YEM 2.6. Including many Indian instruments sounds.
Also some Official Yamaha expansion packs are excluded from the Genos loading file. ( see the image attached).

So in conclusion:
- "Selected keyboard does not support 128 note drum kit" is a bug introduced in Yamaha YEM 2.7.
- 128 drum kit is not a limitation of Genos or any other new keyboards, it is just a bug of the YEM software.

Next step: I want to report this officially to Yamaha to fix this bug. Where and how can I report it that it reaches the right ears?


[attachment unavailable]


Shoot, sorry, we both forgot to mention; in order for the tabla kits to show up, you *also* need to have your Genos OS 2.0 or 2.02; not 2.10 or later


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Mark Wilburn