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How do you organize your 'assignables button'?

Started by ton37, Dec 30, 2023, 02:47 PM

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Hi, does anyone already work with a 'fixed layout' of the assignable buttons?
The assignable buttons are:
1,2,3 and A,B,C,D,E, F and 6 Shorcuts at the bottom of the display.
My previous SX900 had much less, so I'm trying to figure out how to allocate them efficiently and practically. My wishes are: to be able to find 'blindly' with the same layout (hence the fixed layout).
Right now I have it organized as follows.

(Foot Pedals)
3. Volume
for my 3 pedals.

Assignable Buttons:
1. Organ Rotary Slow/fast
2. Split & Fingering
3. Fade in/out

(Assignable Buttons)
A.Style Information
B. Register Bank Information
D. Insertion Effect on/off
E. Assignable
F. Registration Memory 10 (is my 'default' setup)

Display from left to right (Home Shortcuts):
- Channel on/off
- Mixer
- Kbd Harmony/Arp
- Live Control
- Chord Tutor
- Metronome

You can of course 'lock' it by saving it in each registration bank. Currently I am using the Freeze button, with the <assignable Buttons> checked.
(PS. It would have been easier to take a screenshot of it, I think afterwards  ;) )
I would appreciate to read your idea's and/or workflow? T.i.a. ..

[attachment unavailable]
My best regards,


I will definitely steal some ideas from there ton 😁🫣
Can you please tell me more about this:
F. Registration Memory 10 (is my 'default' setup)
What is the setup you are using?

Thanks again
Ability to speak doesn't make you intelligent! 🤷🍻

Yamaha Genos 2, Yamaha DX100, Korg Pa4x, Roland XP30, Soundcraft Ui16, Presonus Studiolive 1602, Shure WBH54, Beta 58 (2x), JBL PRX 718XLF (2x) & PRX 712 (2x)

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Thnx. for your interest @Akki. Due to the many, many possibilities, I am struggling with which 'starting setup' works easiest for me.
I use a full bank for each 'song', but I don't need all the Memories. For the time being,
I have referred to Memory 10 as a 'MyDefault' setup. When I have setup it all, I save that setup in Memory10. I copy this into each Memory Bank and have linked it to Assignable F.
In my 'Playlist' it is also at the top with the name <00-START SETUP>. I just have to press that and an 'empty + Mem.10' is ready for me.
I didn't have that many assignables on my SX900, so I have no idea if this workflow will work in the long run?? So I will certainly consider and/or try any other idea or approach.
I'v checked all (minus3) option in the memory (see attached print)

[attachment unavailable]
My best regards,


A small addition: I want to prevent my 'assignables' and 'pedal settings' from being changed by another setting in, for example, a registration. So my momentairely method is as follows:
1. I press Memory10 (or Assignable F): everything goes to the 'Start Setup' that I want.
2. I turn FREEeze ON (see the photo with the options checked)
3. I load the desired registration (so my setting are 'fixed')

[attachment unavailable]
My best regards,