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Genos Style Downloads

Started by cyber swine, Dec 24, 2023, 01:12 PM

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cyber swine

Could any forum member clue me in on style downloads?  I have searched the PSR Tutorial site many times and find that though the forum itself frequently refers to the thousands of styles available many are several years old and most are even older.  I can't help but wonder how come I see no styles created specifically for Genos rather than for PSR or legacy keyboards.  No disrespect intended for all the effort that has gone into the available resources but I don't get the historical emphasis.  I'm sure there's a reason but sadly, I'm not seeing it.
CVP 909    Genos 1  Kawai MP7 88


I think It's simply this: when the G1 was king of the hill, anybody who hadn't upgraded yet wanted the newest G1 styles to play on their older board. Now that the G2 is king of the hill? You can bet we'll get conversions down to Genos (which is already starting) and then trickle down to older models.

There was no point converting Genos to Genos, and as Genos has had a 6 year life cycle, and it was the TOTLA, there hasn't been anything to convert down to Genos. Until now...
Well from Yamaha anyway; there are Medeli, Pa5x and Ketron styles, but the amount of work to properly convert those to Yamaha style format is daunting.


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