Yamaha Midi to Style Software Question On Older Keyboards ??

Started by jeep4446, Dec 23, 2023, 05:17 AM

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Hi everyone and Merry Christmas !!  Could use some help on using the Midi To Style by Yamaha Software , first can it be used on older keyboards ? I have the PSR-S500 and if it can work on that keyboard how do I get the keyboard voice data list to import into the software ?   Second question , do I need the Keyboard definition file to use with the software ??  Looking forward to some feedback and maybe getting the software up and running ... thank you very much  Manse


Hi Jeep

I think it will be very to adapt whatever comes from this new Yamaha software to your keyboard.

I recommend the use of JOSOSOFT  tools.

Here is the link to his free software.

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There´s a lot of them for you to use.



Quote from: jeep4446 on Dec 23, 2023, 05:17 AM
... Midi To Style by Yamaha Software , first can it be used on older keyboards ?
Yes, depends on age and on features keyboard has.
...I have the PSR-S500 and if it can work on that keyboard how do I get the keyboard voice data list to import into the software ?
In Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login (page 98) is a list of PSR-S500 built-in voices. By using MSB, LSB and PC# values you need to create voice definition file for Yamaha MidiSongToStyle. You can make that by using simple text editor and by studying definition files that are already included in package. This can be done relative quickly because PSR-S500 doesn't have that many voices. Once you have voice definition file, you import it into MidiSongToStyle which will now be able to create style by using only voices that are inside PSR-S500.
-that was the easiest part  ;D

I don't know what style limitations PSR-S500 has (max file size, etc.), so I recommend you first try creating a style which only has one or two variations. When style is created, you will probably need to convert it to old SFF format (before loading into keyboard). For that you need Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login or similar tool.

(Un)expected problems.. From what I can see in manual, PSR-S500 has no option to edit style. I mention that because styles created by MidiSongToStyle are far from perfect (unless you're very lucky) and so in most cases editing is required (for style to sound decent on keyboard). And so you need additional tool (for example, MixMaster)...

In short: it just isn't worth the hassle (in my opinion).

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Thanks guys , think you're both right , it could work with a lot off hassle , think I will leave it at that and not bother with the headaches off programing with other software.  Cheers and good health !!


And to complete Bogdan's post, on page 117 it say that this keyboard has 150 Styles + 1 User Style

So, I don't think it's worth it. I don't know how it loads that user style, but if you have to use usb to load the style into user's memory, is a lot of lost-time there to replace the user's style with a new one.
Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzi9PPrMTjN8_zX9P9kelxg

Vali Maties - Genos


Quote from: jeep4446 on Dec 23, 2023, 05:17 AM
Hi everyone and Merry Christmas !!  Could use some help on using the Midi To Style by Yamaha Software , first can it be used on older keyboards ? I have the PSR-S500 and if it can work on that keyboard how do I get the keyboard voice data list to import into the software ?   Second question , do I need the Keyboard definition file to use with the software ??  Looking forward to some feedback and maybe getting the software up and running ... thank you very much  Manse

Hi Manse,

The PSR-S500 was introduced in 2006 and does not yet use the current SFF2 (SFF GE) style file format, but rather SFF1 (like PSR-900/700 and Tyros1/2).

The new "MIDI Song to Style" program only creates SFF2 (SFF GE) style files. For use on older keyboard models (before Tyros3/PSR-S910/710), the SFF2 style files would have to be converted to SFF1 (e.g. with the >>> "Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login" by Jørgen Sørensen). However, since the older SFF1 format does of course not support all SFF2 features, more or less complex manual post-processing of the converted styles will be required.

Together with the very complicated use of user styles on the S500 (e.g. style files are only recognized in the root of the USB stick, not in folders on the stick, and only 1 User style slot), I honestly wouldn't bother with all the effort. Maybe get a used S970 or SX900, that would make everything a lot easier...

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris, thanks for your response on this subject and yes I will be looking for a used Psr 970 or maybe buy a PSR SX 600.
Have a great day.... Manse


● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Good Day Chris and Bogdan, I went out and bought a really good used PSR 970 hoping this keyboard will work with the Midi to Style program !! Any thoughts on getting me started up would be apricated.... thanks Jeep 


hello Jeep,
Congrats for your decision! And yes, it will work just fine for everything.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Thank you for your advice sir , have a great day !!