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Fade in/out

Started by Oxford1035, Dec 22, 2023, 09:15 PM

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l've assigned the Fade in/Out to the F switch the same as l did on Genos 1. When l used it on Genos 1, l could use it on any of my registrations without having to add it to each registration. On Genos 2 everytime l change the registration the Fade in has to be changed to add the length of time for fading out etc. Is there any way that l can get round having to change it in every registration?

Kind regards,



Hi Russ,

Regarding the ability to save the Assignable Button settings, nothing has actually changed from G1 to G2, i.e. the current Assignable settings are automatically saved in the System Setup when you leave the Assignable display (press EXIT button or touch the X icon). In addition, the current Assignable Button settings can be saved in registrations (if the "Assignable Buttons" checkbox is ticked when memorizing a registration).

What's new with Genos2 is that you can now change the displayed Name for each Assignable Button as you wish (in the corresponding setting details).

Also note that the "Fade In/Out" function on the Genos2 is already assigned to the Assignable Button "2" (next to the joy stick) by default. See also the attached screenshot. I wouldn't assign the same function to two Assignable Buttons (A - F, 1 - 3). If you want to use the "F" button for Fade In/Out, as usual with G1, I recommend assigning a different function to the "2" button or choosing "No Assign".

In general, when working with registrations, it should be borne in mind that such settings can always be changed by registrations that contain different settings. The easiest way (also with regard to later changes) is to NOT memorize the Assignable Button settings in the normal song registrations, but only in a few "setup registrations". However, if you want to use different fade in/out settings for each song, you would have to memorize the Assignable Buttons in EACH registration. The disadvantage, however, is that you cannot make global changes to the Assignable Button settings later, but you would have to change each individual registration.

If the Fade In/Out settings change when calling up a registration, then different Assignable Button settings are memorized in this registration. In order to remove these from the registration, you would have to re-memorize the registration (probably all registrations of the current bank) back to the same registration button and make sure that the "Assignable Buttons" checkbox is NOT ticked in the Memory dialog. And of course, the Bank must then be re-saved.

Best regards,

[attachment unavailable]
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris,

Many thanks for taking the time to reply with such a detailed response. l only fired it up for the first time the other day, so although on the face of it many things are the same as Genos 1, there's a lot more behind the scenes. l didn't realise until now, that the Fade in/out was already assigned to the other button, so l'll use that and delete the one l set.

l had a blank registration bank set on my last Genos, so will do the same again as you suggest.

Have a great Christmas.

Kind regards,
