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Expansion Pack Loading Speed?

Started by Michael Trigoboff, Dec 10, 2023, 01:52 AM

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Michael Trigoboff

Which is faster? Via USB or via Wi-Fi?
Genos2, Roli Rise 25, Focusrite 4th gen 16i16 and 3rd gen 8i6
Cubase Pro 14, Cubasis 3, SpectraLayers 11

retired software developer and Computer Science instructor
Grateful Deadhead emeritus

"He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt."
-- Joseph Heller, Catch-22


Hi Michael

Personally I would say USB.

WiFi..... Too slow... has too many possible interference /fluctuating signal issues, fragmented downloads.

All my home and office equipment runs from the router direct via ethernet to various pc's tv's etc
Using good quality USB stick downloads from one of my 5 pc's to keyboard is quick and highly reliable.

But wifi..Just too slow. Success depends too much on how the wifi signal reaches its target device.  We live on a hill, within a mile of a very high major transmission mast, (we see it clearly from our house) but we have friends close by whose wifi is just hopeless because they are in lower locations

I recently helped a neighbour of mine with his brand new laptop. Doing anything on it was unbelievably slow. New laptops are built too slim to have ethernet sockets...!
So I took him over an ethernet cable, and a usb to ethernet adaptor for his laptop.
Connected pc to router, via the new cable and adaptor, and now it flies. Simple solution.
He was amazed at the massive difference it made. He's also gained an extra two usb sockets on the adaptor.

Anyway... Just my take on it. It's usb all the way for me.
Others may differ  :)

No Yamaha keyboards at present.
Korg Pa5X /61 Arranger /Workstation
Korg PAAS Mk2 Keyboard Speaker Amp system
Technics SX-PR900 Digital Ensemble Piano
Lenovo M10 Android tablet with Lekato page turner
Roland RH-5 Monitor Headphones


Quote from: Michael Trigoboff on Dec 10, 2023, 01:52 AM
Which is faster? Via USB or via Wi-Fi?

Hi Michael,

I usually use the Wi-Fi method ("Send to Instrument"). Installing the 12 packs available so far on the Genos2 took me just over 10 minutes (Voice Wave Size = 724 MB).

I haven't used the USB stick method with the Genos2 yet. The duration of a Full installation via USB is probably comparable to the Wi-Fi method. I haven't had good experiences with the Quick installation via USB, so subsequent installations via Wi-Fi are always faster than a new Full installation via USB.

The Wi-Fi method has the advantage that there is no distinction between "Full Installation" and "Quick Installation" (.cpi/.cqi file types for the USB stick method). So simply select the desired packs in the YEM and, if necessary, deselect the packs you don't want, and click "Send to Instrument".  :)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


I have always used USB method without problem. Our Wi Fi here can be very slow at times and not always reliable.


From my own experience I agree.

WiFi is generally very hit and miss (awful actually) in the UK. Hence why I use USB.
No Yamaha keyboards at present.
Korg Pa5X /61 Arranger /Workstation
Korg PAAS Mk2 Keyboard Speaker Amp system
Technics SX-PR900 Digital Ensemble Piano
Lenovo M10 Android tablet with Lekato page turner
Roland RH-5 Monitor Headphones