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Genos speakers

Started by rcca, Nov 27, 2023, 02:40 AM

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Is the Genos 1 speaker set GNS-MS01 compatible to hook up with the Geno's 2 ?
Cyber Power Intel Extreme, Military MB 4.0/4.5 CPU turbo, 12 GB Memory, GPU Gigabytes 1060 6GB Ram Desktop
Yamaha GENOS 76-Key Flagship Arranger, Technics KN6000


Yes they are. Last week I purchased the GNS-MS01 for my new Genos2 and it works like a charm  :)
Yamaha PSR-SX920, Yamaha CK61, Yamaha Reface DX , Yamaha SEQTRAK, Korg Pa5X, Roland Boutique D-05/TR-08, Roland Go:KEYS 5, Roland AIRA S-1/T-8/J-6, Logic Pro,



I used to have the Yamaha recommended speakers when I had a Tyros 5. I never thought they sounded that great and I sold them with the Tyros 5. I never thought I would need them anymore. When I bought Genos 1 I never bought any external speakers. My home setup uses 2 KLH Model 5 loudspeakers powered by an old Onkyo receiver. I don't play away from home anymore but I may keep my Genos 1 a while after getting the Genos 2. I've read that Genos 2 uses the same speakers as Genos 1. Are the speakers for Genos improved over the speakers Tyros 5 used?  I'm sure there are other speakers that might work. I'd rather not need a subwoofer and only use 2 powered speakers. I can get the Yamaha Genos recommended speakers for $350 but if they aren't that good what else could I get in the same price range. Probably not much I'm assuming......... -charley


It's very subjective Rattley. I have the Genos speakers (with G1) and they are fine for me and many others. Other people will dismiss them as rubbish. It's not always a great answer but - you need to try for yourself.


Your KLH speakers already spoiled you and so I can't imagine you to be happy with Genos speakers. Actually it's silly even to compare these two -keep in mind that your KLH are true hi-fi speakers.

But I know from experience, that using such speakers hooked on receiver/amplifier isn't always practical and so I still recommend you to try with smaller active studio monitors, which you can put next/behind/above keyboard. When I say smaller: don't go below 7-series (which use 6.5" woofer) -if you go with anything smaller, you'll probably be disappointed. You can get such speakers for about 400€/pair (depending on brand).
The only problem is, how can you know if it will be good enough for you? Well, you can't. But in general, speakers of that size are considered as a very good solution for home use.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube



Thanks for replying. When I got those KLH speakers last spring I was replacing some old 15" KLH tower speakers from 20 years ago. I thought those old speakers still sounded good, they were physically falling apart. I screwed the cabinet back together too many times!  When I fired up the new KLH model 5's I was overwhelmed at their sound. So much richer. I was hearing things (good things) I didn't hear with the old speakers. These KLH's beat some old Cerwin Vegas I swore by years ago. I thought it was just age as the sound from the old speakers declined. It's like my hearing is perfect again.

BogdanH is correct. No tiny speakers are ever going to compare. I'm only thinking I need some type of sound system if I keep my Genos 1. My Genos 2 will fit right into my home setup. I don't plan on taking it anywhere!   -charley



I am using 2 tannoy Gold 5 studio monitors ., With Great sound ( low and high) for a affordable price.
, before i had 2 8"inch Reveals wich sounding amazing but to large to place beside my keys

I think the new generation small (5") monitors sounding very good these days

Genos & YC61 and Tannoy Gold 5 Monitors
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