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Critique owners?

Started by guitpic1, Nov 21, 2023, 09:46 AM

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Hello Hawklord,
  I think most peoples response to sitting and playing Genos2 has been the same. It dose sound great and there are improvements on lots of things. The styles and OTS if you use them are now much better balanced and can be used to record straight out of the box and will sound good without having to mess around with volume controls.
  The new Ambient reverb and Dynamic style control are excellent. All add to a richness of sound.
  As you say anyone who dose not like it dose not have to buy it but they don't need to slate Yamaha or its players.
  I joined this forum in 2009 and it was a very friendly Yamaha players forum who helped one another out and shared tips and tricks. We never had all this nasty posting when new keyboards came out. Very sad.


Quote from: EileenL on Dec 17, 2023, 12:36 PM
Hello Hawklord,
  I think most peoples response to sitting and playing Genos2 has been the same. It dose sound great and there are improvements on lots of things. The styles and OTS if you use them are now much better balanced and can be used to record straight out of the box and will sound good without having to mess around with volume controls.
  The new Ambient reverb and Dynamic style control are excellent. All add to a richness of sound.
  As you say anyone who dose not like it dose not have to buy it but they don't need to slate Yamaha or its players.
  I joined this forum in 2009 and it was a very friendly Yamaha players forum who helped one another out and shared tips and tricks. We never had all this nasty posting when new keyboards came out. Very sad.

I responded to you just before this comment. I wondered if it was always like this. I think that people generally are very stressed these days and there's a lot of pain and negativity being expressed through all kinds of social media. I pray for a miracle that we find the inner strength to become more well and more mutually supportive.
Shigeru Kawai concert grand -- my prize possession -- not rich, just crazy
Casio Privia privia ps-x6000


Yes, it's a forum and people have different views. I thought one person (alvaromrocha) went a bit over the line with their critical comments on G2 so I stepped on it with an earlier post (see above).
Quote from: mikf on Dec 11, 2023, 09:32 PM
......note that you have only made 8 posts in the last couple of years... and all of them have the flavor of disgruntled complaints.
Gets old!
He has refrained  since, so that's ok.

Eileen, this is by and large a very respectful forum, but I think you may be looking a bit at the 'old days' through rose colored glasses. As a moderator I recall having to act many times for unacceptable posts. If the truth be told I probably made a few myself ....LOL.
Let's all remember this stuff isn't life or death... or even's just keyboards, and for fun.  8)


The Subject of this thread begins with the word Critique.

Wikipedia defines Critique:
"Critique is a method of disciplined, systematic study of a written or oral discourse. Although critique is commonly understood as fault finding and negative judgment, it can also involve merit recognition, and in the philosophical tradition it also means a methodical practice of doubt"

Given that definition, should we be surprised to see critical responses?

Personally, I like to see all opinions, positive, negative, and neutral.  That's what a discussion board is for.  Someone mentioned a crusade to diss the G2 and Yamaha.  The only consistent crusade I have observed is those trying to silence those with a negative opinion of the G2.

Peace folks, and try to hold the name calling a bit please.

Yamaha PSR-SX900, Studiologic Numa X 73, Lots of guitars and harmonicas


In my humble opinion I don't think Eileen is over-reacting at all.
The G2 has been called a rip off, what does a remark like that say about those who buy it?
Fair criticism is good but keeping on hammering about it being a rip off is insulting in my opinion and serves no purpose but to upset those who think differently.
It's the only kind of posts the person made here on this forum, why take the time and effort to anoy those who clearly are into yamaha keyboards, what a waste of time, makes me wonder about his/her motivations.


I had my Genos2 the day it was launched and I certainly don't need to justify to myself or anyone else my emotional needs why I bought it. I just love sitting playing Yamaha keyboards and always welcome any improvements they have added. I get hours of joy and relaxation from mine and consider it worth every penny. But then that is only the way I feel. Others will have there own reasons but one thing I would never do is to say people are fools and only keeping Yamaha in business so therefore they will not put the things on they request or demand in some cases. We have also been referred to as being just pensioners or just home players. There is absolutely no need for this and that is what I object to.


Quote from Eileen

''We have also been referred to as being just pensioners or just home players. There is absolutely no need for this and that is what I object to.''

Well, I fall into both catagories,pensioner and home player exactly describes me 😘😢.For the record I was a very satisfied owner of a Genos 1 and now a very satisfied owner of a Genos 2.I am in later stages of my life on this earth, and I am in the fortunate position to be able to buy something which I know will give me much pleasure for (hopefully)  some years ahead.I do try to understand where some people are coming from with 'critique' though.The outlay to buy the G2 is to many, quite substantial, and in these days of belt tightening it is easy to understand why some think that the upgrade to G2 is not worth it,and the improvements from G1 to G2 could have been made  in firmware upgrades.
Yamaha are in business to sell new products and rejuvinate the interest in their arranger keyboards ,so it was not totally surprising that they would announce  a refresh and upgrade of the Genos at some point,as they did with the popular Tyros series of keyboards.

Merry Christmas and best wishes to all


Previous keyboards-Yamaha PSR 410,Technics KN2000,KN5000,KN6000 , KN7000, Tyros5 and Genos


Hello Alan,
  The Genos had been out for six years which is the longest we have ever waited for a new keyboard. I don't think some of the new features could have been added to Genos after the big update we had. With Genos2 the casing is slightly different to house the new screen and add other buttons which could not be done with an upgrade. As we know things move on. Yes I agree money is tight but I thought we got a very good PX price for a six year old keyboard and to have kept it much longer the price would have dropped a lot more.
  I am not against Critique at all and I do understand many people can not upgrade but to me some of the critique is aimed at tying to make us feel bad about buying one because we have accepted what it has to offer so have somehow stopped people getting the additions they wanted. If all those ideas had been added we would never have lifted it let alone afford the price it would be.

Michael Trigoboff

Quote from: GrannyRocks on Dec 17, 2023, 12:36 PM
Human beings are not as rational as we like to pretend.

"The brain, our most important organ, in the opinion of the brain."
— Tom Robbins, Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
Genos2, Roli Rise 25, Focusrite 4th gen 16i16 and 3rd gen 8i6
Cubase Pro 14, Cubasis 3, SpectraLayers 11

retired software developer and Computer Science instructor
Grateful Deadhead emeritus

"He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt."
-- Joseph Heller, Catch-22

Michael Trigoboff

Quote from: mikf on Dec 17, 2023, 12:52 PM
Let's all remember this stuff isn't life or death... or even's just keyboards, and for fun.

Freud had a term for this sort of thing. He called it, "the narcissism of small differences."

Computer programming forums are subject to religious wars over things so minor that even angels dancing on the head of a pin would not be able to see them. By comparison, this forum is a model of world peace and universal love.
Genos2, Roli Rise 25, Focusrite 4th gen 16i16 and 3rd gen 8i6
Cubase Pro 14, Cubasis 3, SpectraLayers 11

retired software developer and Computer Science instructor
Grateful Deadhead emeritus

"He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt."
-- Joseph Heller, Catch-22


Quote from: EileenL on Dec 17, 2023, 01:01 PM
I had my Genos2 the day it was launched and I certainly don't need to justify to myself or anyone else my emotional needs why I bought it. I just love sitting playing Yamaha keyboards and always welcome any improvements they have added. I get hours of joy and relaxation from mine and consider it worth every penny. But then that is only the way I feel. Others will have there own reasons but one thing I would never do is to say people are fools and only keeping Yamaha in business so therefore they will not put the things on they request or demand in some cases. We have also been referred to as being just pensioners or just home players. There is absolutely no need for this and that is what I object to.

You took the words right out of my mouth.
Music and making it is my escape and one of the few enjoyments I have.
I suffer from severe ptss and my keyboard gives me the time to relax and forget, the better my keyboard accommodates me the more value it has.
I was a bit sceptical about the G2 at first, maybe my fault or their presentation didn't reflect enough of the actual differences compared to the G1 to me personally.
After hearing and seeing it for myself I've changed my mind already, this week's tryout will probably convince me to take the plunge and to be honest, I look forward to it.
It's a lot of money but in no comparison to what it brings me, call it a rip off if you must but to me it's invaluable.


No way is it a rip off Dutchman. Yamaha always has been a very reputable company and still is. Perhaps we are lucky in the UK because we always get help from Technical support if needed and any faults we report are followed though and checked. Then if required an update is produced.



Quote from: Dutchman on Dec 17, 2023, 05:04 PM
You took the words right out of my mouth.
Music and making it is my escape and one of the few enjoyments I have.
I suffer from severe ptss and my keyboard gives me the time to relax and forget, the better my keyboard accommodates me the more value it has.
I was a bit sceptical about the G2 at first, maybe my fault or their presentation didn't reflect enough of the actual differences compared to the G1 to me personally.
After hearing and seeing it for myself I've changed my mind already, this week's tryout will probably convince me to take the plunge and to be honest, I look forward to it.
It's a lot of money but in no comparison to what it brings me, call it a rip off if you must but to me it's invaluable.

Beautiful, Dutchman. Music means so much to us for our inner wellbeing. Good luck.
Shigeru Kawai concert grand -- my prize possession -- not rich, just crazy
Casio Privia privia ps-x6000


My first keyboard was the psr 400 released in 1991, I've owned several after that but only Yamaha.
I like their sound, their amount of options, ease of use and quality.
Never has a Yamaha keyboard broke down on me, only my psr 3000 began to show signs of use when I replaced it with the Genos.
I would've loved to have a Tyros or two in between the psr3000 and the Genos but I couldn't afford it at the time, kids going to college etc.
Now the kids are on their own and things just got a bit easier, thus I can continue my love for music and enjoy the fantastic development of yamaha keyboards.
Call me a fanboy, I'm fine with that  ;D


Quote from: GrannyRocks on Dec 17, 2023, 06:08 PM
Beautiful, Dutchman. Music means so much to us for our inner wellbeing. Good luck.

You have no idea, or maybe you do please forgive me, sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night I put on my headphones and play until I'm calm again, music can be a true medicine.


Quote from: Dutchman on Dec 17, 2023, 06:15 PM
You have no idea, or maybe you do please forgive me, sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night I put on my headphones and play until I'm calm again, music can be a true medicine.

I have different issues. I am chronically ill and disabled all my life. I can't do much. Being able to play music connects me to my fighting spirit that wants to keep living and giving.
Shigeru Kawai concert grand -- my prize possession -- not rich, just crazy
Casio Privia privia ps-x6000


Here's my tuppence worth as to why it irks me when some people jump on the band wagon and criticise someting, in this case the Genos 2. To quote a couple of reviews containing a number of negative points and then use that to justify waiting until Genos 3 to upgrade, is quite frankly ridiculous in my opinion.

In order to farly evaluate and make a fair balanced opinion as to whether or not you like the Genos 2, you need to at least try it and hear it for yourself. What person A likes in a keyboard might be entirely different to person B, so by believing a couple of negative opinions, you are not being fair. It may well be that you like the things that others don't.

In short, if you've tried the Genos 2 and decide it's not for you, then by all means, you're entitled to post your honest opinion as to why that might be. But likewise, if you haven't tried it, l don't think you have any right to publicly criticise something based on someone else's opinion.



Quote from: Dnj on Dec 11, 2023, 03:42 PM
Great replies pro/con...also how do you new owners like the Keybed feel on G2?
it is FANTASTIC :) :) :) :)


Quote from: EileenL on Dec 17, 2023, 09:39 AM
I am sure you are going to like what you hear. The clarity of sound is beautiful and the new styles using new drum kits are great.
  I to get sick of people running down Yamaha and suggesting that we are fool for buying it. I can't understand why the Moderators do not remove these people.
  They are as useful as a chocolate tea pot. Hope you have a good time trying the keyboards
my thouhts are same im sick to death of it this forum should br bloddy taken off all togeather >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Gunnar Jonny

Quote from: tyrosman on Dec 18, 2023, 12:20 AM
my thouhts are same im sick to death of it this forum should br bloddy taken off all togeather >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

I disagree with your conclusion.
If a thread makes someone sick in any way, then the simplest medicine to stay healthy is not to read or participate in that particular discussion.

Deleting a totally nonsensical and/or hurtful post, or locking the thread if it takes off completely is one thing, but deleting entire threads is disrespectful to other participants/members who participate with their views and experiences.
Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎶🎵
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)


Quote from: Gunnar Jonny on Dec 18, 2023, 02:13 AM
I disagree with your conclusion.
If a thread makes someone sick in any way, then the simplest medicine to stay healthy is not to read or participate in that particular discussion.

Deleting a totally nonsensical and/or hurtful post, or locking the thread if it takes off completely is one thing, but deleting entire threads is disrespectful to other participants/members who participate with their views and experiences.
100% agree!  💯
Looks to me that I will be copying your post to every thread I make 🤣😂🤷
Ability to speak doesn't make you intelligent! 🤷🍻

Yamaha Genos 2, Yamaha DX100, Korg Pa4x, Roland XP30, Soundcraft Ui16, Presonus Studiolive 1602, Shure WBH54, Beta 58 (2x), JBL PRX 718XLF (2x) & PRX 712 (2x)

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Quote from: tyrosman on Dec 18, 2023, 12:20 AM
my thouhts are same im sick to death of it this forum should br bloddy taken off all togeather >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Indeed, don't read and don't react and your avatar will be true: 'Stay well and safe' .. ;)
My best regards,


For me, Yamaha made me wait too long, for too little. Maybe if it came with a chocolate teapot...


Here is My Honest  Critique of Genos 2

It is absolutely fantastic buy one if you can afford it.


Yes Del,
I have to say the same. You really have to try it at least before you criticize it. It really is a joy to play.
  Happy new year everyone.


After purchasing my SX900, I already regretted that I had not saved up for the Genos1, a fantastic keyboard. Now I bought the Genos2 and really, the sound is much better than the Genos1. So far I have not regretted this investment for a moment. I enjoy every moment I play now. I read the negative comments but can't post them. Everyone has their own opinion, but my Genos2 is my best keyboard choice ever.
Roland E86
Yamaha PS55
Yamaha orgel model B


Definitely no regrets for most of us who participate in forums here, else, we will be participating on some others.
It's logical that who ever is not happy will return it and go "elsewhere",... for us that are satisfied we are keeping it... for now 😀😉
Ability to speak doesn't make you intelligent! 🤷🍻

Yamaha Genos 2, Yamaha DX100, Korg Pa4x, Roland XP30, Soundcraft Ui16, Presonus Studiolive 1602, Shure WBH54, Beta 58 (2x), JBL PRX 718XLF (2x) & PRX 712 (2x)

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These are all understandable reactions that you are happy with your Genos 2 (although sometimes it seems more like you prefer not to tolerate criticism on your loved one?  ;) ), but that adds nothing to the ultimate purpose of this topic. The subject is: 'critique on the Genos 2 ... from users!' . This topic is precisely intended to share comments on possible errors or bugs with each other.. and then see if there are solutions: it could be that the user is wrong, or a 'workaround' or 'send it to Yamaha'.

If you want to emphasize that you are very happy with it, it is better that you create a new topic, for example: 'No critique on the Genos 2 .. from users!'  ;)
My best regards,


There are many threads that are all over the place , and unfortunately many with "you are wrong I'm right" ( posts and responses.
Perhaps we should merge all of them into huge one and have all disagreements in one spot 😂
Ability to speak doesn't make you intelligent! 🤷🍻

Yamaha Genos 2, Yamaha DX100, Korg Pa4x, Roland XP30, Soundcraft Ui16, Presonus Studiolive 1602, Shure WBH54, Beta 58 (2x), JBL PRX 718XLF (2x) & PRX 712 (2x)

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Quote from: ton37 on Dec 28, 2023, 01:25 PM

If you want to emphasize that you are very happy with it, it is better that you create a new topic, for example: 'No critique on the Genos 2 .. from users!'  ;)

Oh I would bet real money that despite the topic title that wouldn't work. After a few post's it would end up like all the others.  ;D There seems to be some confusion between 'Critique' and 'Criticism'. Also a lot of people just want to get a lot of negative energy out of their system so they complain about everything, then they complain about the people who point this out, then they complain because people don't agree with them, then they complain about the cost, then they complain about cost cutting measures.  :-\ Other than that they seem fairly well adjusted.  ;)
Genos2, Montage M6, Maschine Micro NI, Cubase 14, Komplete 14 Ultimate, Arturia Analog Lab, HALion7, Groove Agent 5, HS8 Speakers.