The wait is (almost) over...go or no go G2 ??

Started by ton37, Nov 13, 2023, 03:34 AM

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It won't be long before you can go for it: buy the Genos2!  ::)
I am sometimes a bit jealous of those who buy the next model almost blindly, more on 'emotional' grounds. The 'real' Yammie Fans...  ;)
I'm more of one who wants to make a rational decision to purchase something.

Even though he's not here (yet), you probably already have a list in your head: if he has such and such, then yes... or if he doesn't have that, then no...
What rational arguments would you have for yourself to buy a Genos 2 ??
One aspect, as far as I'm concerned, you don't have to take the price into account.
My best regards,


Very well put.

I'm a long term Yamaha user from organs to keyboards.
But I never have felt the need to buy something just for the sake of it. And that is why I won't be buying. Quite simply because I've taken a balanced view on it. I don't need it.

My current SX700 model does all I need it to do for the level of experience that I possess.
Sure, all the extra bells and whistles and more fairy lights are appealing. Sure, the G2 will have the very latest technology. But head rules heart, and as I'm not a professional player, it's far more than I would ever use.
There are other keyboards from other manufacturers too which I'd also look at if I was was wanting one.

So even though I can well afford it, my wallet will be staying firmly in my pocket.

But I wish those who want it, and buy it all the best.

No Yamaha keyboards at present.
Korg Pa5X /61 Arranger /Workstation
Korg PAAS Mk2 Keyboard Speaker Amp system
Technics SX-PR900 Digital Ensemble Piano
Lenovo M10 Android tablet with Lekato page turner
Roland RH-5 Monitor Headphones


For me its a combination of things,
A better key bed
A tilted screen
Audio drums/ live / live riffs/ intuitive styles
Style creator that`s actually easy to use, a drum editor touch and tap
Multi pads that quantize
double the memory
downloadable plug and play expansion
Better Strings/pianos/Organs

I think we will get a hybrid Arranger/workstation like the korg,  accomplished, but meant for the professional , we shall see


From Tyros 3 to Genos: never disappointed, even if not all upgrades are equal.
Reliable Yamaha equipment
The need for pleasure


I don't think any Yamaha Arranger/Workstation is designed for just professional
players. There are hundreds of hobby players and seniors that just love to use there keyboards as they are and are not really interested in using add on's or computer wizardry. We need to keep Live music Alive and just playing for the fun of it.
I think there will be a large improvement on Quality of sound. This always encourages us to play more and explore what we have under the bonnet so to speak.
  I would like to see an improvement on some of the screens. Style creator improved with an ALL button returned to the style grove set up. Quantize on multi pad creation. I am sure it will have more memory anyway.


I am needing the portable Yammie that will follow the G2. Hopefully it will come out in 2025.

The G2 is just too big to gig with the way I use the keyboard. But I am extremely interested in what Yamaha has cooked up and put into the G2. I am with Eileen, about improving the Style Creator. Don't get me wrong, I can get the Creator we have now to do anything I want but there a lot of buttons to push to get there.

I do wish Yamaha would add the "Music Finder" back into the keyboard.


Quote from: EileenL on Nov 13, 2023, 07:13 AM
I don't think any Yamaha Arranger/Workstation is designed for just professional players...
-fully agree on that. There are only more expensive (obviously better) keyboards and there are more affordable keyboards -and both can be used professionally or for hobby playing. What we choose depends on our needs/wishes and our wallet.

My thinking is similar to Divemaster's (above). Of course I wish "the latest", but I try to be rational and so I ask myself: how much (if at all) will I benefit? I also have SX700 and I know it's limitations... but at the same time, I also know my limitations. Which means, if I would buy (current) Genos, my music would be pretty much the same -so what's the point? Yes, Genos is better than SX700 obviously!, but I would gain extremely little (considering the price difference). Besides that, most of SX700 limitations (at least those that bother me) also exist on Genos.

Of course I am curios about Genos 2, because that will indicate what can we expect in next PSR series. And if I see big enough step forward, then.. never say never  :)

Just sharing my thoughts,
PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Well, a number of things that I have experienced with my SX900 (compared to the Genos, which I had before): ::)
- the keybed is quite noisy
- the memory is too small. This causes too many changes with packs and the memory registers become confused again. As a result, you actually use the packs too little.
- still misses aftertouch every now and then
- I have to shield the screen from the light of the monitors and it is actually not at a good angle for readability (but that is the same with the Genos)
- sometimes just a little too few Registration Memory buttons (necessary for my workflow)
- sometimes I miss the handy sliders of the Genos

Nevertheless, still a very satisfied user of the PSR-SX900... and of course 61-keys.

I trust that the Genos2 has adapted and improved some of the features mentioned. But... if there are also some nice novelties added, I am very 'afraid' that it will convince me!? And if so, I will have to create space in my modest home studio if there is no 61-key variant. ;)
My best regards,


As a music enthusiast, I have been saving like a stingy ant for years to be able to buy the best arranger/keyboard. I mean, proper and disciplined saving, like no cars, no luxury watches and no expensive clothes for many many years. So I can proudly say that I have (painfully) saved enough, that with a little bit of a stretch, I can almost afford the CVP 909. But the 909 just seems to be the continuation CVP 809!

I have been impatiently waiting for the Genos 2, and I am hoping for the following:

- 88 key version (fully weighted)
- great live sounds (especially piano, strings and sax)
- live drum sounds (similar to Ketron EVENT?)
- great (intuitively easy) style creator/editor

If the 88 key is not offered, then I may consider buying the Genos 2 and P-525 (for my piano practice). In this way I will get latest arranging technology/sound AND great piano sound/action. Unless, anyone can recommend, with substantiated reasoning, that I should just buy the CVP 909!

I have owned:

-  Yamaha mini keyboard (PSS I think) when I was a kid
-  Yamaha  PSR-510, for many years
-  Technic KN1000 (a couple of years)
-  No keyboard for 15 years
-  Yamaha DGX 670 (for a year)
-  Korg PA5x (for 10 days)
- Genos 2?  hopefully for many years to come :)



After the whole Tyros series and now the G2 it was always a big step and improvement , I ordered mine long a go  8)
If the organ from the YC is intergrated i will sel my YC61 .( and buy a other toy )   ;D
Genos & YC61 and Tannoy Gold 5 Monitors
My You Tube Channel :


Quote from: Yama on Nov 13, 2023, 12:02 PM

If the 88 key is not offered, then I may consider buying the Genos 2 and P-525 (for my piano practice). In this way I will get latest arranging technology/sound AND great piano sound/action. Unless, anyone can recommend, with substantiated reasoning, that I should just buy the CVP 909!


Depending upon the number/depth of auto-accompaniment and arranger features you need, a P-S500 might drop two birds with one stone (in place of Genos and a P-525).

The P-S500 has a simplified front panel (like the Clavinova CSP series). It makes a number of voices, etc. available through the front panel, needing the Smart Pianist app for full access. If portability is not required, then a CSP is a less expensive alternative to CVP.

Voice- and style-wise, the P-S500 is an SX700 in disguise (roughly). Given the downward migration of voices/styles, the P-S500 reminds me of the S950 -- which I rather liked.

If folks need an 88 and want Yamaha, they will need to look outside the Genos/PSR corral.

All the best -- pj



The teaser G2 that I saw on YouTube, can't be it.
Why? Still printed buttons!! Yamaha can't do that mistake  over again,  No way Yamaha, no way..

Toril S

I wish for better accordion sounds, and better accordion styles. I have not found ONE style that really can fit accordion playing. Bigger, tiltet screen would be nice, and a finish that is not so prone to getting marks. I would also like a red or silver Genos, or a white or brown one. But here comes the most importent things for me:
1. Plug and play expansion packs that can be downloaded as is and just installed like any other file!
2. The 8 pin contact for the sub, I really, really hope they have done away with that. If not, that is a dealbreaker for me, unless some fantastic feature wins me over.

Well, I opened a savings  account some time ago, guess what it is called: Yeah, right: GENOS 2.

The wait is soon over, and we will share many words about this keyboard, and it will be fun :)
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Quote from: pjd on Nov 13, 2023, 01:38 PM
Depending upon the number/depth of auto-accompaniment and arranger features you need, a P-S500 might drop two birds with one stone (in place of Genos and a P-525).

Thank you PJ for the response and the interesting suggestion regarding P-S500. I wonder how close the P-S500 gets to Genos in terms of its arranger capabilities! The glass front panel on P-S500 kind of put me off when I saw it at our local dealers', but I am happy to consider it if it offers advanced arranger features!

Thanks a lot.


I've always skipped every other release, so I had a T1, then T3 and now T5.

So it will be a big upgrade for me, even if it's only a small incremental update of the Genos (which I highly doubt, given the many years since the Genos' release).

Had I known it would be 10 years before my next keyboard I would've probably just bought the Genos.

So yes - I will order it blindly, people seem happy with their current Genos and I don't expect Yamaha to let us down with the new model.


Quote from: Toril S on Nov 13, 2023, 05:47 PM
I wish for better accordion sounds, and better accordion styles. I have not found ONE style that really can fit accordion playing. Bigger, tiltet screen would be nice, and a finish that is not so prone to getting marks. I would also like a red or silver Genos, or a white or brown one. But here comes the most importent things for me:
1. Plug and play expansion packs that can be downloaded as is and just installed like any other file!
2. The 8 pin contact for the sub, I really, really hope they have done away with that. If not, that is a dealbreaker for me, unless some fantastic feature wins me over.

Well, I opened a savings  account some time ago, guess what it is called: Yeah, right: GENOS 2.

The wait is soon over, and we will share many words about this keyboard, and it will be fun :)
You are right, 8pins contact are a real bad choice and to be honest, my Korg pa 800 from 20.year ago had far better accordions. And my nightmare, printet buttons.


Quote from: Yama on Nov 13, 2023, 08:06 PM
Thank you PJ for the response and the interesting suggestion regarding P-S500. I wonder how close the P-S500 gets to Genos in terms of its arranger capabilities! The glass front panel on P-S500 kind of put me off when I saw it at our local dealers', but I am happy to consider it if it offers advanced arranger features!

Hi Yama --

Glad that suggestion was helpful.

The CSP series/P-S500 auto-accompaniment certainly don't come up to Genos. Folks who are considering those models instead of an arranger should read the manuals and watch Smart Pianist demo videos before committing cash.  :o

I wish I had the CSP-170 in hand already. Reading-wise, I don't think it's possible to add new styles through the Smart Pianist app. Both CSP and P-S500 seem very song-oriented rather than style-oriented. Yamaha are promoting the audio-to-score function, for example, as a means to play along with tunes. The app is limited to one intro variation and one ending variation, too. I wish I had experience to back up my remarks...

The styles are stored in the piano itself. Yamaha reuses code and protocols everywhere, so I will probably experiment with MIDI Designer and various SysEx messages to see if I can unlock any hidden style capabilities. Lord, I hate "closed systems."

Anyway, there's some pretty amazing music-making technology, out there -- pj