Style for "Sir Duke" by Stevie Wonder (Tyros4)

Started by lenzieman, Oct 22, 2023, 02:21 PM

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Does any kind soul out there in Yammyland know of a suitable style for Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder?  Stumbled upon the sheet music -  it's not in an easy key, but, heh, nothing ventured.....For a Tyros 4, by the way.  I would be most grateful.  Cheers.     8)

Edit: Topic title modified by overover

Bruce Breen

I use the style named Soul on my PSR-S950 - works for me.
(It's in the R&B on your keyboard.)
Bruce Breen
playing a PSR-S950, PSR-2100 & Piano Accordion

Roger Brenizer

I've attached 8 styles for you to try, Sergio. :)

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"Music Is My Life"
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Bruce, Roger, thanks a bunch for your help and advice. I now have what I was looking for. Please excuse the delay in replying, by the way - I've been away from the laptop.  My boy's moving house. Guess who now has paint-splattered jeans!   Thanks again, guys.       8)