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Help PSR-E453 Blue Screen Lock

Started by ektor_s900, Oct 06, 2023, 12:42 AM

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Hello, thank you for reading this post, as the topic says, I have a friend's keyboard, a PSR-E453, and when I turn it on it only turns on the screen light but no image or letters and the keyboard does not sound and does not work; I don't know if this has happened to anyone and would like to know how to solve it, someone told me that the CPU chip had burned out and it was time to change it, I have seen it on the internet, the chip is sold on Aliexpress and the reference is SWL01U YA876AO.

I also have a similar problem with a PSR-E423, except that it says YAMAHA on the screen and it stays blue and from there, it is completely blocked.

So I remain attentive to any help, below I leave the link to the CPU chip

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Ektor PSR-510-630-740-3k-S900-GW8L-S910-S970


The answer to your post is the same as for your other question.
Unless you are capable of repairing Yamaha equipment, then pass it to a qualified repairer.
It's very unlikely you'd be able to source and fit new CPU chips. Many parts are non user replaceable.
No Yamaha keyboards at present.
Korg Pa5X /61 Arranger /Workstation
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Technics SX-PR900 Digital Ensemble Piano
Lenovo M10 Android tablet with Lekato page turner
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This may be stating the obvious, but have you tried the reset procedure?  Normally, it's to turn the keyboard on while holding down the highest note on the keyboard.  Be aware it will erase all stored user data, including registrations, loaded styles, and user songs.
Current: Yamaha PSR-E433 (x2), Roland GAIA SH-01, Casio CDP-200R, Casio MT-68 (wired to bass pedals)
Past: Yamaha PSR-520, PSR-510, PSR-500, DX-7, D-80 home organ, and a few Casios