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Deleting Registration Tags - CVP809

Started by dh110953, Sep 26, 2023, 05:51 AM

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For some reason there are far to many Registration Tags (over 250 = 21 pages) - I only use about 10 tags in total and its a bit of a pain trying to scroll through all the pages just to find the Tag I want to use. I can see a button to add a new tag but I cant find anyway to edit this vast list and remove all the tags that I do not use or intend to use. I have looked in both the User and Reference Manual but nothing mentioned.

Can anyone advise how I can delete tags that I don't use and make a more manageable list.

Now have a CVP 809 as my wife plays Piano but not Keyboard - I had to PX a Genos to buy it, Also have an SX700 - I did previously own a Tyros.


Hi dh,

The CVP-809 Owner's Manual states on page 90:

"If you have already added any tags to another Registration Memory Bank file, existing tags appear in the list and can be selected by entering checkmarks. It may take some time for the list to be shown."

From this I conclude that when the "Existing Tag List" is displayed, all tags used are always re-read from all available Registration Banks. Therefore, you cannot simply remove unwanted tags from this list, but you would have to remove these tags from all relevant Registration Banks.

Maybe the "Tag-Editor Genos/SX" program can help you. Unfortunately I don't know if it also works with CVP-809 Registration Banks.

German site:
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Google translated to English:
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Download "Tag-Editor Genos/SX" here:
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By the way, the user interface of this program can switched to German, English or French. Also see the attached screenshot.

Best regards,

[attachment unavailable]
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris, thank you for this information. I have downloaded Tag Editor given it a try but unfortunately the SX/Genos Tag Editor does not work with CVP-809 Registrations. Beginning to wish I had just kept my Genos, life was so much easier.


Now have a CVP 809 as my wife plays Piano but not Keyboard - I had to PX a Genos to buy it, Also have an SX700 - I did previously own a Tyros.


Hi Chris,
The Genos Tag Editor can remove only tags in RGT created in the Genos.
Is there any Tyros5 Tag Editor in order to  can I remove the tags from many T5 RGT I have collected on my Genos ?

Yamaha Genos - Focusrite Scarlett 18i20- Behringer FCB1010 - AKG K92
Genosman Music


Quote from: Luluc on Dec 06, 2023, 12:40 PM
Hi Chris,
The Genos Tag Editor can remove only tags in RGT created in the Genos.
Is there any Tyros5 Tag Editor in order to  can I remove the tags from many T5 RGT I have collected on my Genos ?


Hi Luluc,

I currently don't know of a "Tag Editor" program for Tyros5 registrations. However, you could convert your Tyros5 registrations to Genos format using Murray Best's "Yamaha Registration Manager" (YRM). (This can also be done in Batch mode, i.e. converting all Registration Bank files in a specific folder at once.)
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Note that this program is only available for Windows, NOT Mac. You should have YRM version 5.3 installed. If you are installing YEM for the first time, you must first install V5.1.1 and then update to V5.3 following the instructions on the linked site. (The unzipped update files must be copied to the YRM Program folder.)

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Erich Tag Program is included in YRM,  I'll look at it and see why the 809 isn't working as the registration structure is the same as Genos  and SX
One can do without most things, but not without the pleasure of music.

Check out my Registration Manager at:


Quote from: overover on Dec 06, 2023, 01:10 PM
Hi Luluc,

I currently don't know of a "Tag Editor" program for Tyros5 registrations. However, you could convert your Tyros5 registrations to Genos format using Murray Best's "Yamaha Registration Manager" (YRM). (This can also be done in Batch mode, i.e. converting all Registration Bank files in a specific folder at once.)
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Note that this program is only available for Windows, NOT Mac. You should have YRM version 5.3 installed. If you are installing YEM for the first time, you must first install V5.1.1 and then update to V5.3 following the instructions on the linked site. (The unzipped update files must be copied to the YRM Program folder.)

Hi Chris,
Great tip : Converting T5 RGT to Genos RGT did the trick.
I've not yet seen how to work in batch mode to convert a whole folder. I do run the YRM version 5.3.
Does anybody know how to proceed ?

Kind regards
Yamaha Genos - Focusrite Scarlett 18i20- Behringer FCB1010 - AKG K92
Genosman Music