Bright Organ voice file to download

Started by okyere, Sep 21, 2023, 07:51 AM

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I have a dgx 670 and PSR EW425 at home. I found a lovely voice called "Bright Organ" on the EW425 [On the instrument is shows the name as "BriteOrg"] and I'd like to have that voice on my DGX downstairs and play it. I have searched this site and forum and across the web for the voice file but I cannot seem to find it anywhere. I found that it is listed in the data list pdf of the dgx 660 so I think that instrument has that voice too. If anyone has it, I'll appreciate a link to download it. Or if there's a way for me to extract it from the EW425, I'll take that instructions too. Thanks all.


hello okyere,
I don't own DGX-670, but as far I know, you can't install custom voices on DGX-670. If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Quote from: BogdanH on Sep 21, 2023, 08:41 AM
hello okyere,
I don't own DGX-670, but as far I know, you can't install custom voices on DGX-670. If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me.


Bogdan, thanks for your comment but you actually can add new voices to the 670. There are the Preset, User, and USB 'banks'. With a compatible voice file on my usb storage drive, I can copy them to the User 'bank' and play it from there. The file will persist. I can also play the voice directly from the USB drive.


As I don't have DGX-670, I can only guess from what I can see in DGX-670 manual. You can not store voices in User section -there you can only save custom settings of voices which are already in Preset section.
In Yamaha arranger keyboards, custom voices (voice samples) are stored in so called Expansion memory, which serves for that purpose. The only way to import custom voices in arranger keyboard is to install so called expansion pack (which contain voice samples). And to create expansion packs, Yamaha Expansion Manager (YEM) software is needed.
But the thing is, YEM can't be used for DGX-670 and as far I know, there's no other way.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Quote from: BogdanH on Sep 21, 2023, 12:49 PM
As I don't have DGX-670, I can only guess from what I can see in DGX-670 manual. You can not store voices in User section -there you can only save custom settings of voices which are already in Preset section.
In Yamaha arranger keyboards, custom voices (voice samples) are stored in so called Expansion memory, which serves for that purpose. The only way to import custom voices in arranger keyboard is to install so called expansion pack (which contain voice samples). And to create expansion packs, Yamaha Expansion Manager (YEM) software is needed.
But the thing is, YEM can't be used for DGX-670 and as far I know, there's no other way.


Bogdan, again thanks for that input. I have the instrument (dgx 670) and I have actually done this several times already. We have a PSR S975 at church with many more voices than my dgx. I have copied some of them onto a usb drive and brought it home to my dgx and transferred to the User space for voices. I have also downloaded voices from this website (psr tutorial) onto usb drive and transferred them onto my dgx and played it seamlessly. So I appreciate your perspective on this given your experience with Yamaha instruments; but I have actually done this before with other voice files (.vce) and they play just fine. I just need the file (for the Bright Organ) and I can play it directly from the usb drive or transfer to the User space. Thank you.


.VCE's don't have sample data in them, only voice edit parameters. The Bright Organ you are looking for is probably a sampled voice, not a .VCE. It sounds like this voice sample is offered on the EW425 but not offered on the DGX-670. It is doubtful the DGX can load in sampled voices based on what Bogdan is saying. Since you can load .VCE's, you would have to find a .VCE organ file that comes close. The Harmony button on SX900 gives organ voices a nice boost, try it on DGX if it has that feature.
SX900, DGX-640, E373
previous: MODX7+


As p$manK32 said: VCE file is not a voice file. VCE file contains only settings for actual voice and actual voice is expected to exist on keyboard. If actual voice (for which VCE is made for) is not present on keyboard, then keyboard will use some other (similar) voice that does exist on keyboard and VCE settings will be applied to that substituted voice.
For example:
When owner of EW425 selects Bright Organ voice and saves it on USB stick, then only current settings of that voice are saved into VCE. Among other things, VCE file also contains "ID" number (MSB,LSB,PCn) telling which voice was used for these settings. In this case it's 000 116 017 (=Bright Organ).
But because DGX-670 doesn't have voice with such ID, keyboard will use some other "similar" voice that does exist on DGX-670 and apply VCE settings to that voice.
Means, what you will hear might sound good and you might like it, but it's not Bright Organ voice.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube

Joe H


The .vce file is a MIDI file and does not contain an actual sample.  If you have loaded a .vce file in your keyboard it is only adjusting an existing Preset Voice.  The .vce file is present with Right and Left Voices only and loads after the Preset Voice is loaded to adjust certain parameters, when the Voice assigned to a style Part the .vce file is not loaded.  By editing the .vce file we can modify the Preset Voice a little but not change the main character of the Voice.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Quote from: Joe H on Sep 22, 2023, 08:42 AM

The .vce file is a MIDI file and does not contain an actual sample.  If you have loaded a .vce file in your keyboard it is only adjusting an existing Preset Voice.  The .vce file is present with Right and Left Voices only and loads after the Preset Voice is loaded to adjust certain parameters, when the Voice assigned to a style Part the .vce file is not loaded.  By editing the .vce file we can modify the Preset Voice a little but not change the main character of the Voice.

Joe H

Thank you, Joe.


Quote from: BogdanH on Sep 22, 2023, 03:16 AM
As p$manK32 said: VCE file is not a voice file. VCE file contains only settings for actual voice and actual voice is expected to exist on keyboard. If actual voice (for which VCE is made for) is not present on keyboard, then keyboard will use some other (similar) voice that does exist on keyboard and VCE settings will be applied to that substituted voice.
For example:
When owner of EW425 selects Bright Organ voice and saves it on USB stick, then only current settings of that voice are saved into VCE. Among other things, VCE file also contains "ID" number (MSB,LSB,PCn) telling which voice was used for these settings. In this case it's 000 116 017 (=Bright Organ).
But because DGX-670 doesn't have voice with such ID, keyboard will use some other "similar" voice that does exist on DGX-670 and apply VCE settings to that voice.
Means, what you will hear might sound good and you might like it, but it's not Bright Organ voice.


Bogdan, thanks for that explanation. Makes a lot of sense to me.
In reference to something you said above, it is possible to save/copy the vce file from the EW425 onto a usb file? The operating system and navigation on the EW425 is not the same as the DGX 670 or other higher end arrangers. And so, I don't know if that is possible to do as I've done on a 975 or the dgx 670. But I know for sure that if I get a vce file, it will bring me close to the sound I'm looking for.  ;)


hello okyere,
From what I can see in Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login, there's no option on EW425 to save voice settings into VCE file. The only way to save voice settings on EW425, is to save setting into registration. The problem is, registration also cannot be saved as separate file. But even if that would be possible, such "reg" file wouldn't be recognized properly on DGX-670 -it's like you would try to run Apple software on Windows PC.

The problem is, that this particular "Bright Organ" voice doesn't exist on PSR-S series keyboards, so nobody can give you VCE for it. The only solution to get organ sound that you look for, is to make your own voice settings on DGX-670. I mean, there are so many organ voices in DGX-670 (don't forget to check Legacy section) and so  I'm sure you can adapt one of them to your liking.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube