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Started by franksboard, Feb 13, 2022, 02:34 PM

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Joe H

Quote from: Joe H on Aug 09, 2023, 03:35 PM

Everyone will be happy in the end!


Joe H


I'm ready to share what I found.  It is a DIY (Do It Yourself) procedure.  If you are having trouble with StyleWorks in any way, please contact me via email only. DO NOT CONTACT ME BY PM... I will not respond.  If you don't want me have your email, then I can't help you.  I'm not trying to be rude here, it's just that the info I will provide is inappropriate to post on this forum, even in a PM.

Thanks for your understanding

You can find my email in my Profile.

Joe H

Edit: Email address removed by Roger Brenizer. Please don't post your email address in our public forum. Our members can find your email address in your forum profile.
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


I don`t like to comment on these kind of things, but seriously. I bought an older version of style works which I use occassionally
and have seen the latest version with the keygen which i have not used. Mainly because of the low grade keygen exe which has a low risk to the computer.
But the reality exists that the author has sadly passed and unsuspecting owners can`t use the program.
Lets not get away from the fact that a lot of the forums styles ,midi etc etc are in some cases are copyrighted so its a bit much to have ago at people trying to use a now defunked program
Also the program itself allowed copyright  infringement so on this occasion I think its not much of an issue, certainly not warranting as much attention.