Problems with midi files exported from musescore

Started by I-me-mine, Aug 13, 2023, 11:33 AM

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I've recently bought a sx700 and im trying to make some midi scores to go along with my registrations, but I've ran into differculty.

I made a score in musescore then export it to midi but this file wouldn't show on my keyboard. After some googling I found that if you open the midi file in a progam called sekaiju it would move "channel events" from the first track to the second track. I have no idea what this means but, after saving, the sx700 could now see the file. The remaining problem is that the notes from the base clef are in the treble clef (with ledger lines) and the note values are wrong. For instance the block chord in the first bar is displayed as a quaver (rather than a semi-breve) along with the first note of the melody. Oddly the audio plays correctly.

Is there somthing I'm doing wrong? Or is the problem with musescore? Would I be best to abandon musecore for a different program?

Any advise would by welcome, thanks.


Good news, I've figured it out. It's a bit convoluted so there's probably a better way but thought Id' leave the solution in case anyone has a similar issue.

In short: I made sure the bass and treble clefs were in different channels in the midi file using Sekaiju. Then I could select a different channel for each hand in the midi player on the sx700 (go to song player; then to score; finaly the cog on the bottom right).

So the process would be:
write score in musescore -> export from musescore into midi -> open midi file in Sekaiju and say yes to the changes to channels it suggests -> make sure the track for right and left hands are on different numbers using the little drop down menus and save (with the upper save icon not the lower one) -> on keyboard navigate to score then select the appropriate channel for each hand.