Organize Registration Bank files on PC

Started by alberto stazi, Aug 10, 2023, 04:10 PM

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alberto stazi

Hi all, is there a PC program that emulates Bank file recording?
In practice, organize a series of file banks on the PC and then transfer them to the USB key to be inserted into the keyboard. Thank you

Edit 2023-08-11 by overover: Changed Italian topic title to English and removed Italian text in post


No You have to create your registrations on the keyboard choosing the voices you want and the effects you want to use also the style you want it linked to.

Edit 2023-08-11 by overover: Adapted subject of the post to changed topic title

alberto stazi

Yes, I knew that, thanks. I was hoping there was an application to use on the pc to work better.

Edit 2023-08-11 by overover: Adapted subject of the post to changed topic title and removed Italien text in post.

Please post in English only here, Alberto. Thanks, Chris (overover)


Hi Alberto,

You could try the PC (Windows) program "Yamaha Registration Manager" by our forum member Murray Best:

This allows you to do many things regarding Registration Bank files (.rgt) faster than directly on the keyboard. You can also do a lot that is not possible on the keyboard and also change/edit Registration Banks in Batch Mode.

First install the program version 5.1.1 and then follow the instructions for the update to V5.3. (To do this, you have to unpack the downloaded ZIP file "YRM Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login" and copy the two files "MidiServices.dll" and "YamahaRegistrationManager.exe" to the folder program, i.e. to "C:\Program Files (X86)\MbestSoft\Regmanager5\".)

Hope this helps!

Best regards,

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● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

alberto stazi

convinced that my request did not fall on deaf ears. Thanks Chris, a warm greeting