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Started by Gerrie, Aug 05, 2023, 01:26 AM

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How do you load a.OTS file on the PSR-S975. Is the OTS setting from yhe Tyros 3 compatible with my Yamaha. I tried to load an .OTS file with Style Editerbut get an error message.


hello Gerrie,
OTS settings are part of the style and are stored into style file. That is, when you set a voice to OTS (1-4), you will be asked into which style you wish to save your setting (see Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login, p.29) -you can not save OTS as separate file.
The only way to recall particular OTS setting only (without changing anything else), is by using Registration (see Reference Manual, p.85). The other option would be (depending on your case) to save two identical styles, where each style has different OTS settings.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Quote from: Gerrie on Aug 05, 2023, 01:26 AM
How do you load a.OTS file on the PSR-S975. Is the OTS setting from yhe Tyros 3 compatible with my Yamaha. I tried to load an .OTS file with Style Editerbut get an error message.

Hi Gerrie,

I am pleased that it has now worked (with the help of my instructions via PM) to post your request. Again, welcome to the Psrtutorial Forum!

In addition to Bogdan's comments, on very old Yamaha models (e.g. PSR-9000) the OTS settings were NOT saved in the styles, but in separate .ots files. However, these are no longer supported by today's models, so they are useless today.

There is also the "OTS Editor" program (for Windows) developed by our forum member Jørgen Sørensen:
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With this program you can, among other things, import the OTS settings from Yamaha Styles and also save OTS settings as .ots files and import them again. But note: Separate OTS Files created to work with PSR 9000 styles can NOT be imported into the "OTS Editor" program as these have another file format.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris.

Thank you very much for the helpful information. I did use the OTS editor you mentioned' so now I do understand why I do get the Error message once I try to open the.ots file