Current PSR kybds good at reproducing rhythms and voices of PSRs975?

Started by Leon VE, Jul 26, 2023, 12:49 PM

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Leon VE

I am travelling with my PSRs975 memory stick from eastern Canada to western Canada.  I would like to rent a current PSR machine there that is good at reproducing the rhythms and voices of my PSRs975 that are recorded on my memory stick in hundreds of songs.   One music store salesperson indicated that the PSR E470 would do this.   Judging from the prices of my machine and the E470, I am somewhat dubious.  Do you have any recommendations?   Sad that Yamaha has discontinued the PSRs975 series.  Thanks for your suggestions!


You're right about your doubts: PSR-S975 styles can't be directly used on E-series keyboards.
From current keyboards, you would need at least PSR-SX600. If your collection also contains voices, then you would probably need at least PSR-SX700 (because SX600 has very small amount of memory).

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Quote from: Leon VE on Jul 26, 2023, 12:49 PM
One music store salesperson indicated that the PSR E470 would do this.

Absolutely not. You are right to be dubious!

I did a quick compare of voices vs. effects S975 vs. SX700. Quite a good match.

Minus features like vocal harmony and video out, the SX700 is pretty much the S975 engine-wise. Shows how features trickle down the Yamaha line.

Hey, good luck and have fun -- pj


Yes, the sx700 and the s970/s975 share the same sound library, except that the s975 has 4 additional packs of expansions pre-installed (which are *mostly* also pre-installed on the sx700 as well)

THe e473 not only doesn't share the same sounds, the interface is *completely* different, and it certainly won't load your s970 registrations. The sx700 will; HOWEVER anything that used s970/s975 Audio styles won't be present, nor is there any way to put audio styles in the sx700. And it's no longer possible to even download the s970 audio styles in the first place, ever since they re-did the musicsoft website.

So if any of your files depending on the audio styles, or the built in pre-installed expansion packs, you could run into issues, but otherwise everything else is there.


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