Style Request - "Young Hearts Run Free"

Started by Jimbo, Jul 16, 2023, 07:53 AM

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Can anyone oblige me with a style for "Young Hearts Run Free"

Kind Regards


Edit 2023-07-16 by overover: Added song title to topic title


Jimbo, if it is of any help, I use on my Tyros4, under DANCE, p2,  70'sDisco 2, tempo 116, intro lll, var.B thereafter personal choice.


It has just dawned on this old buffer that Jimbo plays a PSR-SX700 and I gave him a link to a Tyros 4 style. Is there any kind member out there who can convert the Tyros style for Jimbo, if this is possible?  I do hope so, 'coz the style is spot on, so faithful to the original.  It's exactly what he's looking for, believe me!   Cheers. 

Roger Brenizer

I've attached 2 styles for you to try, Jimbo. :)

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"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Thanks Lenzieman and Roger yet again, very grateful to you both.

Kind Regards
