Yamaha Expansion Manager > To grab data (for SW Midiland Optimizer XI)

Started by Runner4Fun, Jul 14, 2023, 07:51 AM

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I recently started using the Software from Midiland "Optimizer XI" to optimize midi files (of my own recordings) that I created on the Genos.
As far as the internal preset voices and styles are concerned, this is no problem using the Optimizer XI SW (Software).
Since I also use several expansion packs (via Yamaha Expansion Manager [YEM]) also in registration files, the company Midiland refers in its "Help"-information to create yourself that additional text information as a text file (*.TXT), which must be stored then in the (Windows 10) Optmizer-XI program folder with a fixed name.
The structure of this text file should be in 4 columns (separated with tabulator):
LSB number ( 0-127 )
PC number ( 1-128 )

Maybe there is someone in our great forum, who already has made a basic structure of this TXT file regarding Genos, which I could use or change.
Who is able to explain how to extract those data from the YEM on the PC (if possible by batch processing).

I thank you in advance for your help and further information.
Best Regards
... with his Genos2


I use the Style Magic Yamaha , from Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
And the Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login YEM CE to extract for open packs the msb/lsb/pc list for the IDL Editor (a software that loads the data list of packs in the Style Magic Yamaha.
I use to edit styles, and midi files for my Genos.

Maybe the YEM-CE is usefull for you ...