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Started by Graham UK, Jul 10, 2023, 09:34 AM

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Graham UK

Suggestions for Free Hex Editor.
1. When a Style has been changed and saved under a new name.
2. Name of Style used in a Registraion (RGT)

Would a Hex Editor or other PC program list the Styles original name ?


hi Graham,
Finding free hex editor really shouldn't be a problem with Google (for example, Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login).
But at least for styles, you can also use MixMaster, which is available for free here at PSR Tutorial forum.

Original style name, called "song track name", is written into style file only once: when style is created and saved for the first time. After that, the name inside style file isn't changed anymore -even if you save the style again (on keyboard) by using different name.
Of course, that original name can be changed later by using some other program (hex editor, MixMaster, etc.).

I'm not that familiar with registrations, but I'm quite sure that registration doesn't contain original style names, because that would lead to troubles (styles with duplicated names) -here file name of the style is used instead.

I hope that was of some help,
PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube

Roger Brenizer

Quote from: Graham UK on Jul 10, 2023, 09:34 AM
Suggestions for Free Hex Editor.

I've used the free hex editor "HxD" for years. The link follows, Graham. :)

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"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Graham UK

All reply's Appreciated.

I have now downloaded HxD.


Indeed, HxD is a very good Hex Editor and it's free.

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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Be careful changing a style name in a registration.  If there is any  change in the number of characters and you don't  change the three corresponding character counts in the bank, the registration  won't  load.

To change any text in a registration,  use YRM.

One can do without most things, but not without the pleasure of music.

Check out my Registration Manager at:


Hi Graham,

To see the original / internal name of a Style file you don't necessarily need a Hex editor, you can simply open the style file in a normal Text editor (e.g. Windows Editor / Notepad). See the attached picture.

However, opening it in a Text/Hex editor is not necessary. I recommend using the PC (Windows) program "PSR Style Database" by Peter Wierzba. This allows you to display up to 20 style parameters from any number of styles at the same time and manage all your styles.
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You can also easily open Registration Bank files (.rgt) in a normal Text editor. However, you only see the file names of the memorized styles (including the file path) here, and only if they are external styles (user styles). Preset Styles are memorized in Registrations via their internal Style Number. You can find out this number from Registration Bank files with the help of a Hex editor and then find out the relevant preset style with the help of certain lists.

However, for registrations of supported models, it is much easier to use Murray Best's "Yamaha Registration Manager" (YRM). Only when certain .rgt files are not supported by the YRM would I consider the previously mentioned method.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,

[attachment unavailable]
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