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no drum

Started by victorsp, Jul 04, 2023, 05:37 AM

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Good morning. I deleted a track from a style (PHR2) by saving it. When playing this file, RHY2 only plays with major chords (it doesn't sound when I play the minor ones) and I haven't touched anything in the configuration of the drum part, it being the same as the original file. Could someone help me to get the drum to sound with minor chords? Greetings and thank you very much for your attention.
PSR SX900,  TYROS 4,  PSR 910, TYROS 2, PSR 3000


Hi Victor,

Hopefully you still have the original, unedited style file. Do the drums (RHY2) there work as they should, even when you play minor chords?

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Were there drums in Phase2 part.


Good evening Above and Elieen. In the original style there is drum (and it works correctly). The problem arose when I deleted the pad track, now the rhytm2 part sounds when I play major chords (it doesn't sound with minor chords).
Greetings and thanks for answering.
PSR SX900,  TYROS 4,  PSR 910, TYROS 2, PSR 3000


Hi Victor,

I assume that you edited the style directly on the keyboard. The problem you describe may be related to the fact that you only have access to MIDI channels 9 - 16 on the keyboard in the Style Creator and Mixer. A style file can also contain MIDI data on channels 1 - 8 (which are assigned to output channels 9 - 16 via the so-called CASM settings of the style file, e.g. depending on the chord played). Under certain circumstances, deleting a MIDI channel in the Style Creator can therefore lead to unexpected results.

I recommend that you do not delete the PHR2 part, just set this part volume to zero in the Mixer display. Then re-save the style in Style Creator. Alternatively, you could also memorize the changes made to the style in the Mixer directly to a Registration (without re-saving the style).

Another option would be to edit the style in the PC (Windows) program "MixMaster". There you can see the data on all MIDI channels of the style file.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


I don't have the solution, but I think that we would need to have original style to find the answer. Some styles can be very complex and in that case Chris's suggestion (to use MixMaster) could solve the mystery. But first, OP would need to know what he should looking for in MixMaster (there's a jungle of midi data).
OP is very short in his description what happened, without giving any details. First he said PHR2 was deleted and later he says PAD is deleted. In this case it doesn't matter which of these two was deleted, but one need to be precise in such cases.

I'm just thinking aloud now...
RHY2 channel can only contain drumKit voices and as we know, drumKit's are chord independent. That is, it will sound the same regardless of what chord is being played. Actually it's impossible to set RHY2 not to play certain chords.
And the way OP described the situation, it sounds like maybe drum was in PHR2 (Eileen's question). But as far I know, that can't be the case because channels 11-16 (Bass-Phr2) don't accept drumKit voices. However they can contain percussion voices which are chord dependent (percussion are actually normal voices). But that doesn't explain how can it be, that only minor chords disappeared after deleting Phr2, but major chord still exists.
How to say... I'm always looking for obvious reasons first and so I think there was something more than just deleted Phr2 (or Pad). I am really curious what happened in this case.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Hello friends, I also have problems when editing a style, it does not respond correctly to what has been edited and generating conflicts in the edition, even the bass rises a lot, perhaps updating it will correct it, thanks and sorry for the intrusion.