Fantasy Voice & Style Expansion pack exist?

Started by richkeys, Apr 13, 2023, 03:54 PM

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Does anyone know if the styles from this pack are available somewhere? This video from 5 years ago is showing a demo of it, yet I don't see if offered anywhere on the Yamaha site. The title's graphic design make it look like it's an official Yamaha expansion pack, but perhaps it is not.
SX900, DGX-640, E373
previous: MODX7+


It's a 3rd party, but the purchasing links no longer exist. Hopefully somebody on here has a copy of those styles!


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Mark Wilburn


Hello, I used that package a while ago, here I leave some of his voices plus others that I was collecting, I never used the styles since they weren't that great, that's why I didn't upload them, but some voices are very good. I use YEM to build an installation package. I think many people will find it useful. I'll leave it in the cloud for a while so you can download it.



Here I leave a link with a song of mine where some of those voices are used.   Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

The voices:

Edit: Broken link to Voices removed by Roger Brenizer


Oh wow, thanks Walter!

Any chance you have the styles? Yes they sounded like they needed some tweaking, but some of the styles looked like fun (who doesn't want to mess around with a Terminator style?!). How on earth did you build an installation package of their voice set? Was it completely unprotected?


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Mark Wilburn


Hi Mark, I'll see if I have the styles, as for the voices, I got them from a user who posted them in another forum, today they are no longer available. What this good man did was publish the voices without being an installation pack, what I did is try and in my case some had a very differential peak between minimum and maximum volume and since I use the keyboard sensitively there was no way to use them with a medium term volume. I could modify some parameters but you couldn't transmit what you expressed with your fingers. That's why I discarded some voices, but you will see that there are other very interesting ones from other packs. I'll see if I can find the styles on my pc.




Hello, well here are the voices and styles of the original pack. I hope it works for you.



Edit: Broken link to Voices and Styles removed by Roger Brenizer


Quote from: maiemas on Apr 20, 2023, 06:42 PM
Hello, well here are the voices and styles of the original pack. I hope it works for you.



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Thanks for making this "Fantasy" pack available for download, Walter!

I also found the contents of this "Fantasy" pack linked by Walter in his last post on my PC hard drive. ;)

There are various UVN and UVD files (T3/T4 Custom Voices), a UVI file (T3/T4 Custom Voice Library) and 7 styles. (As far as I know, the style "LA-FETE-SAUVAGE.S708.sty" included in Walter's download does not belong to this pack.)

To create a pack for Genos/PSR-S/SX from this content, I recommend the following procedure:

1. Unzip the downloaded zip file and make sure all UVN and UVD voices as well as the UVI file "Fantasy.T015.UVI" are inside the same folder.

2. In YEM select "My Packs > Import Pack" and import the "Fantasy.T015.UVI" file. This will automatically create a new Pack containing all UVN and UVD Voices on the correct Voice Numbers.

3. Make sure the new "Fantasy" Pack is selected.

4. Click on the BOTTOM "+" icon, select "Import Content" and import the 7 styles from the "FantasyStyles" folder (i.e. WITHOUT the mentioned style "LA-FETE-SAUVAGE").

5. I've created a suitable icon for this pack (actually it's called "Fantasy Cinematic"I which I've attached to this post. Download it if necessary and import it into the pack. To do this, click again on the already selected pack, to bring up the "Pack Property" window, click on "Select image" and select the downloaded file "FantasyCinematic_Icon.png". Change the pack name to "FantasyCinematic" if desired.

6. Choose "My Packs > Export Pack" and save the pack you just created as a .ppf file on your computer (for later use). Note the full pack requires 577 MB of Expansion Voice Memory.

Have fun! :)

By the way, the included styles use various voices from the pack. If the styles were NOT imported into the pack as described, the pack with the voices in the YEM would have to be moved to LSB 000 so that the relevant voices in the styles are controlled correctly. However, by importing the Styles into the Pack, as mentioned, the LSB values of the Custom Voices (MSB 62 and 63) in the Styles are automatically adjusted to the current LSB of the Pack.

Best regards,

[attachment unavailable]
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris, excellent explanation of how to install the voices, in case a voice is not liked by the player, you can uncheck it in yem so that the package is not so heavy. And the style "LA-FETE-SAUVAGE" does not belong to the styles, it is an infiltrator lol. Well I hope you enjoy it.




Thanks for your kind feedback, Walter! :)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thank you Walter! Thanks Chris on explaining how to resolve the 2 packs using LSB 0 issue
Could either of you please upload the .uvi? As I didn't see it in the current drop box,


Also, do we need to incorporate the voices from both of the supplied packs? Because I had previously only grabbed Walter's initial voicepack and now realize the 2nd one uploaded includes completely different voices... do we need both?
Ah, nevermind, the .uvi was in the 2nd set of voices. Thanks again!

Since La Fete Sauvage is a film (ok it's a documentary), it sure seems like it would fit a fantasy soundtrack pack ;)

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Mark Wilburn


Thank you Walter! and Chris for the technical info.

SX900, DGX-640, E373
previous: MODX7+


Hi Mark,

You only need Walter's last download. Just click on the Download / down arrow button on the linked Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login site.

There are two or three pages of files on that site (depending on the browser used). All these files (UVNs, UVDs, a UVI and a separate folder with the Styles) are included in the downloaded file "Fantasy (1).zip". This is the complete Pack, and that's what my installation notes above refer to.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Yes Chris, thanks, I finally realized I had to download the 2nd set of voices.

Well, Walter, you were right... the styles aren't bad, but definitely need some work.  Some of the included sounds, especially the kits (the Epic drums are only 3mb, but quite epic!), are very good, but some are baffling... the included orchestral brasses are actually pretty good, but any keyboard with expansion memory should already have good orchestral horns. The Orch trombones alone are 42mb! 20mb for just the triangle+chimes! And the Orchestral Kit is 45mb... sounds good but seems like it makes the triangle+chimes redundant. The Koto is much cleaner than the preset one, but at 12mb, nearly the entire size of the Japan pack from Yamaha, which includes a decent Koto.

The horn flutters are awesome; makes me wonder why Yamaha doesn't include any. (and only 6mb!)
The Ulleann pipes sound great, but have a weird thing above Ab 3, all the notes above that are pitched up 1 semiton (so it's impossible to play an A without using the pitch bend). That seems like a really strange gaffe. I just tried telling it that the top element original pitch was B instead of Bb, fingers crossed that fixes it!
*EDIT* yup that fixed it.

But again, thanks Walter for making this possible to try out!


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Mark Wilburn


Hi Christ, the package is exciting but it takes up a lot of memory and you have to work on it. In fact, Yamaha's stopped horns are excellent when it comes to effects, EQ and reverberation. In any case, you can take advantage of some of them. I think there are some in the first voice package that I uploaded. bagpipe that sounds great, in fact I love the celtic bagpipes from the celtic pack and it's the one I use. I am glad that it serves you and thank you all for your words.




Hi i see that the expansion pack and styles have been deleted from the drop box

I purchased this pack back in 2018 but unfortunately i have lost it

would one of you be able to upload the voices and styles or as a ppf and send me the live link or Private Message me

thank you


Quote from: shneurslonim on Jul 02, 2023, 09:52 PM
Hi i see that the expansion pack and styles have been deleted from the drop box

I purchased this pack back in 2018 but unfortunately i have lost it

would one of you be able to upload the voices and styles or as a ppf and send me the live link or Private Message me

thank you

Hi shneurslonim,

You can download the "FantasyCinematic" Pack in ppf format that I made using the original UVN voices and styles here:
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The download size of the zip file is about 399 MB, the unzipped ppf file is about 513 MB. For the Pack content see the attached screenshot.

The complete Pack uses about 577 MB of Voice Wave Memory (!). To save memory you can deselect unneeded voices in YEM. (Double-click the Voices in YEM to preview them through the computer speakers.)

Hope this helps!

Best regards,

[attachment unavailable]
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)