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touch controls

Started by hjones, May 22, 2023, 03:28 PM

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OK, I give up.
I'm new to the SX900.
All I want to do is have the volume, on the left, be the same no matter the touch.
I have the left set to Chior&Pad, Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login Boys Choir J.S. and no matter what settings I try the only way I can get the sound I want is to "pound" the keys.
Sorry, I don't play that way. I am soft touch all the time.
I'tried the settings on menu2 keyboard/joystick and none of that works.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Press Direct access button and move joystick. Then select Keyboard and turn the touch of of the Left voice. Now save to a registration button.


I Appreciate the comment - I think I've already tried that but I'll have a go at it again.
As an aside, I have read through the discussion about this from months ago when someone asked this same question and I think I tried everything suggested there.
Must be my old 75 year old brain.
Yamaha's write-ups could be a bit clearer.
Thanks again for your help.
