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HELP WANTED , Genos User Midi Sets

Started by john smies, Apr 16, 2023, 02:23 AM

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john smies


On behalf of a friend of mine who unfortunately lives a few hundreds kms away I would like to pick your brains on the following issue with Genos:
Recently he bought a secondhand Ketron SD40 module , so far so good. Once connected to the Genos it played very well, but.................whenever he selects a new Registration on his Ketron module the link is gone, that is nothing is transmitted/received anymore.  Initally I was thinking of a malfunctioning of the module but on second thoughts I think it may well have to do with the MIDI settings on the Genos. Hence my first question would be whether you have any idea in how far the MIDI settings on the Genos may influence choosing another registration on the module ?
(note , once again, everything else works, he can choose style, sound ,etc. on the module and it can be played from the Genos....)

My second question refers to the User Midi Sets. I have been trying via phone to have him make a different User Midi Set, which we did. BUT...............he saved the set with a new name , but does not know WHERE to look and find this new User Midi Set.  So where can he find it ?

And finally does anyone know whether once you have activated a new User Midi Set this remains active also when switched off and on again. In other words how can you make the new User Midi Set your "default set" when the Genos is turned on ?

Would be extremely grateful if some of you could help us out here..........

many thanks,
John Smies


Hi John,
It will indeed be the midi settings which are causing this to happen, but it will be the midi set on the Genos and not the one on the SD40 which needs changing.
I can't remember which midi setting is responsible but most likely it will be in the CONTROL section.
Best way to find out which is to rename the Midi set so that he can make changes which can be undone in safety and then go through the control section to switch everything off one by one.

Again, for the second question, it's easy, in the MIDI section of the Genos to find all midi sets so he should have no problem there.

Although my memory is not fresh because I haven't played mine for quite a long time but, I think my Ketron sometimes forgot it's midi setting after being switched off but, you can go through the setup procedure in 30 seconds if necessary and just reset right and left channels if that's all he needs to use.

It can be as easy or as complicated as you like when using Midi.  Just a matter of how many different controls you want or need to transmit.



Quote from: john smies on Apr 16, 2023, 02:23 AM
... My second question refers to the User Midi Sets. I have been trying via phone to have him make a different User Midi Set, which we did. BUT...............he saved the set with a new name , but does not know WHERE to look and find this new User Midi Set.  So where can he find it ?

And finally does anyone know whether once you have activated a new User Midi Set this remains active also when switched off and on again. In other words how can you make the new User Midi Set your "default set" when the Genos is turned on ? ...

Hi John,

You asked similar questions in your other thread today. I answered you there:
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The "trick" is to CLOSE the MIDI display, i.e. not leave it open in the background. Then the current MIDI template is automatically loaded with every restart. :)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

john smies

thank you both so far !!!

The module receives on 1,2,  and 16

so I take it I must only SEND on those channels in the Genos and in particular on channel 16
to activate the styles on the Ketron module. What should I select for Port 1, Channel 16 on the Genos ? Lower ?  Left ?  Control ?

AS to ticking the boxes   NOTE, CC, PC, PB, AT       I am not sure about ticking  CC.

PC should probably not be activated as it would send program changes, pretty much what
we have been trying to avoid.  ( PB pitchbend, and AT aftertouch speak for themselves)

All advice most welcome, thanks again.