Help for styles/OTS/registration/playlist

Started by orangeman, Apr 14, 2023, 12:33 AM

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I am hoping to get suggestions as to workflow strategy in the following scenario:

1) I have a song specific style on a memory stick with OTS instrumentation not to my liking.
2) The goal is to set the instruments, levels, etc for all 4 variations and keep it permanently for that song.

This is my first time and I'm trying to visualize the steps. Ultimately,
-Do I want to modify the style OTS and bring internally or leave it on the memory stick?
-Is it better to just make it part of a playlist with that song included?

I don't quite know what I'm asking so this is where I need advice.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Fred Smith

I would create a registration bank for the song. Start by copying the OTS to the buttons, then go from there.

Registrations are much more powerful than OTS. And, if you want to use playlists, you have to have registrations.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Quote from: orangeman on Apr 14, 2023, 12:33 AM
1) I have a song specific style on a memory stick with OTS instrumentation not to my liking.
2) The goal is to set the instruments, levels, etc for all 4 variations and keep it permanently for that song.
-ok, you wish to change OTS voices in styles.

-Do I want to modify the style OTS and bring internally or leave it on the memory stick?
-it doesn't matter. OTS parameters will be changed in style that you select (wherever that style is).

Let's say you have 20 styles on USB, which you don't plan to use soon (you only wish to change OTS parameters). In this case it makes no sense to copy them to keyboard, change OTS and copy back to USB -just do the work from USB. Later you can copy modified style to keyboard anyway.

For what you wish to do (change OTS voices, so they suit better for particular styles), I don't recommend involving registrations at this point. OTS is style setting and it should be stored in style. If it happens, that particular song (for which style will be used in future) needs more settings than can be stored in style, then you should consider using registrations.

I noticed that many are using registrations just because they are "at hand" and probably end up with a mess, by not knowing what they have in registrations.
The way I see it, registrations are song specific. We pick a style which serves as basis and make additional settings (i.e. keyboard split point, pedal usage, assign buttons, L+RH voices, tempo, etc.), so it suits playing particular song and save that as a registration. Now we have our song ready (without style being changed).

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


These answers demonstrate how there is always more than one way to skin the cat on these keyboards, and which one is just a matter of preference.
Either way, if you intend to use this style regularly, either directly or via registrations,  it might be best to create a folder on your user drive for song specific styles and move it there. Especially if you use the registration method. That way it is always found on your keyboard, and removes risk of damage, loss or just forgetting to plug in the memory stick.


Thanks very much to all that replied. These are the exact answers I needed. I can now see there are multiple ways to achieve my goal. Now I have a clear picture of my options and I will no start trying them.

Thanks again!