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Genos info data encrypted software

Started by Hennry, Mar 22, 2023, 03:54 AM

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When my grandson goes to uni later this year he might (probably will) take my well worn Genos with him! It will be my intention to get myself a newer one. However, some of my software is info data encrypted; is there any way it can work on the replacement Genos?


If they are Yamaha Packs you "should" be able to instal in another Genos (current model), however if they are 3rd party ones the chances are very slim.




if you bought anything where they asked you for your n27 number then its likely encrypted, If its a yamaha site file works on all, PPI files work and if you hook your keyboard to the computer toy can extract the styles but not the sounds.


I should have made an important point which I forgot. The software is on a usb stick, which has to be processed through YEM. I assume it's encrypted because I had to give the info data. Therefore, my question should have been can the contents of the usb be extracted to YEM for a different Genos?


Hi Hennry,

The current, protected "now free" Expansion Packs from Yamaha (.cpf format) can be installed on every Genos (and of course all unprotected .ppf packs as well). However, if you have older, paid Yamaha packs or paid third-party packs installed on your current Genos (also in protected .cpf format), you CANNOT install them on another Genos, as such packs are associated with a specific Instrument ID (.n27 Instrument Info file).

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


hi Hennry,
If you needed to give info data, then pack is probably encrypted and can be used only on your keyboard. If you install such pack in your keyboard, then you can only make copies of styles (which can then be used on another keyboard). However, you can't make copies of voices (if pack contains any). If pack contains voices, then those voices are most probably used in those styles.. means, if styles are used on another keyboard, then those styles won't sound properly (because custom voices are missing).

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