Wav format voice sx 700 & Style for Sadeness by Enigma

Started by daxatthemax, Mar 14, 2023, 10:17 PM

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Hello members,
                     I own a psr sx 700 Yamaha. I have come across the Shakuhachi flute from enigma soundtrack in wave format.. please can anyone shine some light on how to play that particular wave file as a voice on the keyboard.. I don't seem to find the file even though its on the usb on the keyboard, what am I doing wrong..
                      On the other hand can anyone guide me how to get the style file for enigma sadness for sx 700.. I will of course  pay for it..
much love

Edit 2023-03-15 by overover: Added song name for requested style to subject

Roger Brenizer

I've attached 3 styles for you to try, Dax. :)

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If you want to play the sample as a voice, you will need to use the Yamaha Expansion Manager (YEM) software to create a voice then install it into the keyboard expansion memory.

It's not difficult to get something to work, but it is difficult to get good results.

There's lots of advice on this forum on how to use YEM.


Quote from: daxatthemax on Mar 14, 2023, 10:17 PM
.. I own a psr sx 700 Yamaha. I have come across the Shakuhachi flute from enigma soundtrack in wave format. please can anyone shine some light on how to play that particular wave file as a voice on the keyboard.. I don't seem to find the file even though its on the usb on the keyboard, what am I doing wrong.. ...

Hi Dax,

If you want to play back the Shakuhachi wave file "as is", you can create a so called Audio Link Multi Pad with it. Or you can use the SX700"s Audio Player. You can use a Registration to load the Multi Pad or to load the wave file into the Audio Player. The wave format has to be .wav, 44.1 kHz sample frequency, 16-bir resolution, stereo.

If you want to play the wave file like a Voice, possibly transposing a few semitones up/down, you have to use the Expansion Manager (YEM), as Derek already mentioned. There you create (in a new or existing, non-protected pack) a new Custom Normal Voice, into which you then import the wave file and map it to the desired key range. Then you save a Pack Install file with the content to be installed on a USB stick and finally install it on the keyboard.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Enigma Yamaha PSR-S670.ppf >>> Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login .

I put in this pack for the Yamaha PSR-S670, only the instruments (Shakuhachi + Enigma Flute) plus a midi (enigma_sadeness) and a rhythm (Sadness TY - Enigma) ...
The rhythm is not perfectly compatible with the PSR-S670 ...
These they are gathered from the internet, I would have wanted it to be my own creation, but it is not  ...
Otherwise, I hope you know how to use it in Yamaha Expansion Manager.
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