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linking to songbook styles

Started by john1509, Feb 27, 2023, 03:16 PM

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hi everyone hope you are all well. i have downloaded some styles from this site and put them onto a usb  pen drive and they work fine on the SX  700. but i also have songbook pro on a iPad that i have the pdf for the style on the keyboard. when i link the style to the pdf it says linked. when i go back to the same song and select the pdf on iPad to bring up the style. it wont work. do i have to copy the style itself over to the keyboard to make the link?  hope i am making sense please don't shout at me i am learning all the time  :) thanks   


Hi John,

You probably have "Songbook+" (SB+) on your iPad (not "Songbook Pro"). Basically, you can only link Registrations with PDFs in SB+, not the Styles directly. So you would have to create at least one registration for each style (and then of course save the Registration Bank as a file). Normally you use a separate Reg Bank for each song you want to play.

After you have loaded the desired Reg Bank and activated the first registration (Reg button #1) in it, you link this state in SB+ with the desired PDF. The link then works automatically in both directions. By the way, it is important that SysEx Transmit and Receive is switched on on the keyboard. Therefore, make sure that the Preset MIDI template "All Parts" is activated in "Menu > MIDI".

You don't have to copy the styles to the SX700's User drive, you can leave them on the USB stick. But you must not move or rename the styles on the USB stick (not even the folder in which the styles are located) later after you have included (linked) them in your registrations.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)