Custom Styles and Files in Registrations

Started by LaHawk, Feb 25, 2023, 04:46 PM

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I have made quite a few registrations, some using factory styles, some from custom styles, some with a mix of edited styles that include drums, etc. from an expansion pack, multi pads from a USB,  etc.  In conclusion, lots of different custom files from different sources to edit and save as one registration.

As a long time Yamaha arranger user, I should know these answers, but I just recently started getting into registrations, so...

1. I'm pretty sure that  if you make a registration using custom (3rd party) styles from a USB, or Expansion section, you need to keep that custom style in it's exact original USB, or Expansion location. Correct? (Would that also apply to "User" styles and files?)

2. Can I move a linked custom style within a folder on a USB, and will the original registration find it and still work?

3. If I add and thus change the order of  Expansion files, will a saved registration still point to any linked expansion files?

4. if I move the linked registration styles and or files, what happens when you open that originally linked registration ? Do I have to point it back to it's new location?  That would be a lot of pointing. Custom style from USB, factory multipad, drum from expansion. Yikes!

4. I suppose it's true that once you move custom files associated with a custom registration, it would also wreck the Playlist?  Correct?

The main reason I'm asking,  I would like to clean up Expansion files and USB styles, pads, and other files I no longer need or use. I want to sort the files I like and want to keep into category's, thus moving things, probably not good. I'm fearful  that moving any file connected to a registration, my saved registrations will be totally messed up.

5. Is there a way to avoid Registration destruction before editing my files on a USB or Expansion Pack? Backup first? Or is the only simple answer is, do not think of even touching your custom USB / Expansion styles and file original location.


Larry   PSR-SX900
 My You Tube Recordings

Fred Smith

The short answer is no.

Any file a registration refers to has an address. The address includes the Drive letter, Folder name(s) and file name. If you change any of those, the registration will not find it (because you moved the file, and did not tell the registration).

Your choices are:
1. Re-memorize the registration with the new address
2. Use Murray Best's Registration Manager to make the changes in bulk

Regarding your questions:
2. I don't know how you "move ... within a folder". But as long as the drive, folder(s) and file name remain the same, the registration will find it.
3. Same answer: as long as the drive, folder(s) and file name remain the same, the registration will find it.
4. What happens is the registration goes looking for the file, doesn't find it, so does nothing (ie, doesn't change the currently loaded file). See above on how to fix this.
4#2. A playlist refers only to registrations. If you move a registration, the playlist won't find it.
5. I move styles all the time, and simply fix the registration using either method 1 or 2 above. You won't "destroy" anything. The registration will work, for example, if you move the style back.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Thanks Fred. As usual your reply was simple and precise. Conclusion if you move the style you most likely will have to let the registration know of the new location. Might also need to find any multipads used with that registration. I'll also check out Murray's Best Registration manager. Thanks again
Larry   PSR-SX900
 My You Tube Recordings

Graham UK

Larry. I have 3 Folders on USB. 0.RGT. 0.STY. 0.VCE. 0.Keeps them to the top.
When I have a Style I want to make into a Registration I first copy to 0.STY folder.
After saving Registration save to 0.RGT.
My favorite Right Hand Voices I save as RGT 0.VCE (with Style Unticked)
These Fav can then be played with any Style selected.