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Started by micktheplumber, Feb 23, 2023, 08:53 AM

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Good afternoon, could somebody explain ,i have loaded a couple of registrations to the hard drive, reg to hd ,style copied to hd,text copied to hd, i save each one ,then clicked on reg selected reg clicked on 1st reg this brought up style ,reg will play and change through its sounds but will not change the main variations ,what have i missed or have i got it all wrong ,
thank you
forgot to add they work from the usb stick


Hi Mick,

Each registration (registration buttons 1 - 8 ) recalls the specific panel settings for which the checkboxes was ticked when that registration was originally memorized.

If the "Style" checkbox is checked in the Memory dialog (after pressing the [Memory] button), all style-related settings, including the currently set Main Variation, are saved to the subsequently pressed Reg button. If you want to memorize a Fill-in on a Reg button, press the relevant Main Variation button a second time (when the Style is stopped) so that the Main Variation button FLASHES.

Afterwards (after you have saved the desired settings on all Reg buttons), the Reg Bank must of course be (re-)saved as usual. (Press both "Regist Bank -/+" buttons simultaneously to open the Registration Bank Selection display and SAVE the Bank file to the desired location (e.g. internal hard disk or to a connected USB stick).

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi thank you for reply have done what you said but nothing changed,was i supposed to register each variation change to each registration button and save,i can see the changes in info when i click on registration.
thank you

Fred Smith

Quote from: micktheplumber on Feb 23, 2023, 10:26 AM
Hi thank you for reply have done what you said but nothing changed,was i supposed to register each variation change to each registration button and save,i can see the changes in info when i click on registration.
thank you

It's hard to understand specifically what you're doing, Mick. Try giving us a step-by-step with your next post.

You'll also get help from my registration videos. Link in my signature.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Hi Fred i am trying to load registrations onto Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login that when i load it it brings up the style and by pressing a foot pedal i can change the sounds and variations by the pedal going through the bank ie. a sequence ,the squence i can do , i can load reg to hd, i can load style to hd then save them , load reg, pres reg button 1 to bring up style ,i can now play the registratio through using sequence set up with pedal, this cycles through the registration but does not change the variations ,im not sure if im asking it to do to much.
thank you for any help.

Fred Smith

Quote from: micktheplumber on Feb 23, 2023, 11:04 AM
Hi Fred i am trying to load registrations onto Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login that when i load it it brings up the style and by pressing a foot pedal i can change the sounds and variations by the pedal going through the bank ie. a sequence ,the squence i can do , i can load reg to hd, i can load style to hd then save them , load reg, pres reg button 1 to bring up style ,i can now play the registratio through using sequence set up with pedal, this cycles through the registration but does not change the variations ,im not sure if im asking it to do to much.
thank you for any help.

You're not asking too much. You just need to follow Chris's instructions.

If a registration does not change your style as desired, you must re-memorize that button. So:

1. Load the offending button.
2. Change to the variation/fill you want.
3. Press Memory>Ensure the Style box is checked>reg button.

You may need to repeat this for other buttons.

Once you've re-memorized the appropriate buttons, save the bank.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Hi Mick,

As I wrote before, you have to memorize each registration (reg buttons 1 - 8 ) with the style section (e.g. specific Main Variation, specific Fill-in, Break, Intro or Ending) to be executed later when the concerned registration button is activated. Of course, it doesn't matter whether the registrations are switched manually or via the registration sequence function.

In the Registration Info display you will see some information about the settings memorized on the reg buttons, among others the style section (e.g. Main A). But you won't see all details of course. If necessary, manually switch through the registrations of each bank one after the other and take appropriate notes.

You could also in the Registration Edit display (press "Direct Access" followed by one of the "Regist Bank -/+" buttons) NAME the individual registrations of a bank (e.g. "Intro3-MainA", "Fill-MainC", "Fill-MainD", "Ending2"). These names are then shown in the Main display (next to the Bank name) and of course in the Registration Edit display. By the way, if you have called up the latter, you can also switch the registrations manually there using the display buttons (A, B, C, D and F, G, H, I).

You wrote that you saved your Registration Bank files and Style files on the internal Tyros hard disk (HD1). Alternatively, you could just save everything on a USB stick. Note, however, that registrations which use external files (e.g. User Styles or TXT files) will no longer work if you simply copy everything from the Tyros4 HD to a USB stick or vice versa. This is because different drive letters are used internally for the different drives. (In the Registration Bank files, the absolute file path, i.e. including the drive letter) to the linked files is always saved.)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


I think i  got it right following your instructions they all wor thank you vey much,
if i could just ask if you have ten registrations how do i get the second set to follow on as you well know we only have 8 slots.
thank you


Quote from: micktheplumber on Feb 24, 2023, 04:10 AM
I think i  got it right following your instructions they all wor thank you vey much,
if i could just ask if you have ten registrations how do i get the second set to follow on as you well know we only have 8 slots.
thank you

Hi Mick,

I'm glad that my instructions helped you!

In principle, the number of possible Registration Banks is not limited (only by the storage space on the medium used). You can have thousands of Registration Bank files on the internal HD or on a USB stick.

In this context, please note that Tyros4 only supports a maximum of 500 files and subfolders per folder. (Each subfolder of a folder counts as 1 file here.)

To create a new Registration Bank, simply save an existing Bank with a new/changed filename. This leaves the original bank untouched and creates a new bank (with the same settings). Now memorize new settings on the Reg Memory buttons 1 - 8. (You can delete unneeded Registrations in the Registration Edit display, so that the relevant buttons are no longer lit.) Finally, re-save the new bank, but this time WITHOUT changing the file name , i.e. you confirm the message that appears about overwriting the current file with YES.

Alternatively, you could also first memorize your new settings ("over" those of the currently loaded bank) and only save your new bank afterwards. But then you must not forget to enter a new/changed file name so as not to overwrite the previous bank.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris thanks for reply ,what i am trying to do is to make 2 registrations banks work one after the other i have a registration for Apache 1 and apache 2 there is 8 reg, on Apache 1 and 2 reg on apache 2 wich now play all the variations i have set up foot pedal to play the 8 reg. in apache 1 and wish to just follow on with Apache 2 wich has 2 variations  ,this would make ten slots or reg for this song ,how can i achieve this 


Quote from: micktheplumber on Feb 24, 2023, 06:04 AM
Hi Chris thanks for reply ,what i am trying to do is to make 2 registrations banks work one after the other i have a registration for Apache 1 and apache 2 there is 8 reg, on Apache 1 and 2 reg on apache 2 wich now play all the variations i have set up foot pedal to play the 8 reg. in apache 1 and wish to just follow on with Apache 2 wich has 2 variations  ,this would make ten slots or reg for this song ,how can i achieve this

Hi Mick,

I misunderstood you at first, sorry.

First you could try to get by with only one bank, as a maximum of 8 registrations. Many users do this. When using the Registration Sequence function, you can not only simply switch through the registration linearly (#1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), but you can also program a custom sequence for each bank, so jump to it any registrations of the current bank, e.g. #1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8. Unfortunately I don't know at the moment how many steps are possible with the Tyros4.

Most users I think also use the Style Control buttons to change style sections, not just the Reg Sequence pedal. In this way, too, one bank per song title is usually sufficient.

But it is also no problem to use several banks per song title and to switch directly to the next bank via Reg Sequence:

Name the Registration Banks (as you already mentioned) so that they are shown in the correct order in the Registration Bank Selection display, e.g.


In the Reg Sequence of Apache1 you set "SEQUENCE END" to "NEXT BANK". This automatically calls up the "Apache2" bank at the end of the programmed sequence. (You have to save the sequence settings separately for each bank.)

By the way, if related banks are named as described above, you could also load the second bank "Apache2" from "Apache1" by pressing the "Regist Bank +" button (but you would still have to press the desired Reg button).

For example, I work with medleys in a similar way: I create a folder with the name of the medley. In this folder I create several Reg Banks, which I number at the beginning of the filename:

010 song name A.rgt
020 Song name X.rgt
030 song name B.rgt
040 Song name Y.rgt

So, as mentioned, I can just use the "Regist Bank +" button to go to the next song title in the medley. Incidentally, the reason I count here in increments of 10 is that you can easily insert additional files in between (e.g. "025") without having to change all the bank names.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi ,yes all works well now ,thank you very much for all the information you gave me


Quote from: micktheplumber on Feb 25, 2023, 06:04 AM
Hi ,yes all works well now ,thank you very much for all the information you gave me

You're welcome, Mick!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)