Copy a style part to another style

Started by wersianer, Oct 29, 2022, 04:26 AM

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can someone tell me the steps to copy a style part to another style?


Style Assembly
Have you ever used a style and thought "I like this style, but I do wish it had a different Intro or I wish it had that piano section that is on another style" This is exactly what you can do using Style Assembly in the Style creator.
You just need to do a little preparation beforehand to make this easier and save you darting back and forth to different sections. Firstly, select the style you want to create. I have selected Midnight Swing in Swing and Jazz section. I am now going to save this to my user drive. I want to copy the intro and certain sections from Movie Swing 2 in Movie and Show section. I now save this to my user drive. As I mentioned this will save you time having to go between the different folders as we progress. Because I am going to change Intros I firstly need to check the amount of bars in the style I am copying from. In this case it is nine.
Now go to your user section and select Midnight Swing. Press Menu and go to page two select Style creator on Genos or SX900. Select the part on Basic page and select the amount of Bars your intro will now use.
Tab to Intro three and you will see it is set to four bars. The Intro you want to change to has Nine Alter this to Nine and press execute. Now tab to assembly page. You will now see all the style sections and at the bottom of the screen you will see we are on Intro three. Now select Rhythm One and on User press Movie Swing and then Exit. Press Rhythm 2 and on user press Movie swing and exit you will see the name changes in the sections to the new style as you do them. Continue this way until you have done all the parts remembering to select the style you are putting it in each time. Now press play and listen to the end result. If you also want to change the ending, then it is the same procedure. Always remember first to check the amount of bars in each style and adjust accordingly. Once done now save giving it a new name to where you want it. Either, User, or USB.
The Movie swing style has a nice piano part to it, and you may think you would like to add that to the style you have just altered. In that case then don't save your style just yet. Note that this part is on CHD 2. If we look at Midnight Swing, we notice that the piano part is on CHD 1. This I want to change in main C. Tab back to main page and select Main C. Now tab to Assembly again. Press Chord 1. Now in the Copy From section part select Channel and put onto Chord 2. Now press Chord 1 again and on user select Movie Swing then Exit. Now press start and you will hear you now have the piano part from Movie swing playing.
I hope this has given you a little insight into how this works and that you will want to try it.

Jeff Hollande

Hey Eileen :

Very interesting information. Thank you so much. :)

Only intended for the Genos, not suitable for other or older keyboards like my Ty4, I guess ... or ... am I wrong ?

Best wishes, JH


Yes Jeff you can also do this on your Tyros 4. Just go to Style creator and select Style assembly.

Jeff Hollande

Thank you so much, Eileen ! :D :D :D

Never done this before ... a complete new start for me.
I do a lot with Yamaha's good old XGWorks prog. ;)

Best regards, JH


Hello Eileen,

thank you for your detailed instructions. This not only enabled me to realize my special wish, but also encouraged me to change and thin out other styles in this way...sometimes less is more.


Casper has a lot of useful videos on his channel. One of them is how to use Style Assembly function in Style Creator.

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
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Vali Maties - Genos