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New TOTL Arranger from Ketron

Started by RoyB, Sep 24, 2022, 05:26 AM

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Sokratis -  You are in Greece I believe, so I am guessing you work from your home, maybe as a contractor on testing/product evaluation and feedback.
Can you tell us what the North America sales distribution looks like for Ketron? Don't think that information would cut across your NDA.


Quote from: mikf on Oct 03, 2022, 11:16 AM
Sokratis -  You are in Greece I believe, so I am guessing you work from your home, maybe as a contractor on testing/product evaluation and feedback.
Can you tell us what the North America sales distribution looks like for Ketron? Don't think that information would cut across your NDA.
Yes dear Mike. I live and work in Greece (Crete) and I am Greek. For Ketron, yes, I work from my home. Now with the internet everything is possible. Unfortunately I cannot answer your question because I am not competent in this matter. Perhaps it would be good to send an email to Ketron Italy.



AJ is the man in the US! Even if you order from retailers, they have to get it through AJ, in fact he will drop ship it to you even if ordered elsewhere.
I emailed him and he promptly replied that he will inform those interested when more info is released, and yes, they have a strict NDA that everyone is adhering to.
So, get on his email list and you will get the info. I believe, he's the man for US customer service, too, so he is Ketron America! Just FYI.



I am aware that AJ has a company called AJAM, that essentially operates as Ketron North America. But no retailers appear to carry the product. I don't have sufficient interest to contact Ketron further, but I think others on this forum discussing this product should be aware how very limited Ketron presence is here, and maybe in other countries like the UK.


Lee Batchelor

Quote from: Jeff Hollande on Oct 03, 2022, 06:32 AM
Hey Lee :
As mentioned by Sokratis, he has signed an NDA with his employer, Ketron Italy. Am I right, Sokratis ?
It is obvious he cannot answer ( our ) questions ( for the time being ), I guess.
Best regards, JH
Understandable. Thanks guys.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.

Lee Batchelor

Quote from: mikf on Oct 03, 2022, 08:51 AM
Lee- I don't know if things have moved forward with Ketron, but when I was interested in one some years back, all they had was a very loose arrangement of part time local representatives working from home. Not employees. The guy they had in Houston was pretty useless, not knowledgeable and couldn't even play worth a darn.
They have AJ who seems to be Mr North America for Ketron, whom I met at Don Mason's get together in Shreveport. AJ is a nice guy, based I think somewhere in the north east, and he is pretty expert, and a fair player. But I wasn't sure if even he was a Ketron employee or just a gig player who represented them as a sideline. Mind you he did talk as if he had some input into Ketron design/development.
I think if you are interested in a Ketron, you would have to contact AJ, and find out if they have anyone in your area. But even if they do, when he would have a keyboard  to bring to your home to try (apparently that's how they work) is anyone's guess. I think it's likely that Sokratis is one of these local representatives, so he has an inside track.
Basically, although the Ketron Audya seemed a great keyboard in many regards, their distribution and support network appeared pretty primitive. Reminded me of selling Tupperware. So good luck if you want to pursue it.
Okay, thanks Mike. I think the European market is of the greatest interest to most arranger makers, including Yamaha. In Canada, we're always last to receive new stock items. Kind of makes us feel like bottom feeders 🐟.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Quote from: Lee Batchelor on Oct 03, 2022, 03:19 PM
Understandable. Thanks guys.

JOE AMOEDO'S MUSIC, Niagara Falls Canada (905-371-3109)

PINO LORUSSO Terrebonne, Quebec, Canada (Tel:- 438-580-7182 - Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login)

Lee, these might have more info.

Genos2, Montage M6, Maschine Micro NI, Cubase 14, Komplete 14 Ultimate, Arturia Analog Lab, HALion7, Groove Agent 5, HS8 Speakers.


Can we please MOVE this thread to the KETRON part of our forum?

Thank you,

Lee Batchelor

Quote from: Christophermoment on Oct 03, 2022, 03:33 PM
JOE AMOEDO'S MUSIC, Niagara Falls Canada (905-371-3109)

PINO LORUSSO Terrebonne, Quebec, Canada (Tel:- 438-580-7182 - Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login)

Lee, these might have more info.
Thanks, Christopher 😉.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.

Gunnar Jonny

Quote from: DrakeM on Oct 03, 2022, 03:46 PM
Can we please MOVE this thread to the KETRON part of our forum?

Thank you,

I cannot see that it would do any harm if we had a "Chat about other brands Arranger" part.  :D 8)
Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎶🎵
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)


We already considered that and decided it just doesn't happen enough to justify a separate section. There is always a flurry when a new product arrives, then it dies off naturally.
And what difference does it make anyway. You don't have to read it if you don't want to. The forum is arranged in sections for tidiness and ease of post searching. But most people looking frequently probably browse recent posts rather than sections anyway .I know that's what I do.
There is another important reason for not having a separate section for other brands, or multiple sections for other brands. We have always been very tolerant of posts that are not strictly Yamaha arranger related. They  can be general chit, chat, information about other brands .. whatever long as it's respectful. But there is difference between that and inviting posts on other brands. That in my view is a step too far and could turn this forum into something different. Nothing is ever perfect, or suits everyone, but I think we largely get the balance about right.

BTW I am sure Drake knows there is no Ketron section. He is just being mischievous.

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Quote from: maartenb on Sep 28, 2022, 10:28 AM

A 128 kilobit per second constant bit rate MP3 may be discernible from a wav audio file if you do a direct A/B comparison. But 192 and 256 kbps MP3s are almost impossible to distinguish from the original wav. And 320 kbps sounds exactly as the wav, even if you have golden ears.

Hi Marten
I am 71 and can tell the difference.
Mp3 at 320 Kbps is ok for most people
Flac files are much better quality than Mp3

To me songs that are simple without a lot going on like early 60s  there is not a lot of difference , but as you get through the 70s and 80's there is a lot more detail in the songs and Mp3's squash certain things to bring the best out of an Mp3.
So some of the detail can be missing.
You want to have a listen to Hi Definition files  and with a good VPN you get can loads from certain sites free. Nudge , nudge!! 8)
I have a sony and an older Ipod Classic , but i only use wave files as they sound great on my  Marantz Hi -fi
Most of all . I am back also to vinyl in a big way as you cannot beat that analogue sound of warmth especially Emerson, Lake and Palmer --Tarkus 8)

All the Best
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.

Lee Batchelor

Agreed, Gunnar. There's not much happening in terms of Genos queries at the moment. With all the talk of a new Genos and two other companies making some waves with their new releases, the current discussion is quite healthy.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.

Jeff Hollande

After a long time of silence, competition information might now be something that keeps this business alive and exciting for many of us.

Nowadays most of us do own a Yamaha arranger keyboard and are happy with their instrument.
There is no direct/urgent need to upgrade nor to go for another brand but ... many of us like - in the first place -  to know, to hear, to see and to compare what is going on in " Keyboard Land ", IMHO.

I would like to call it : Natural Arranger Keyboard Instinct.  :)

However, I wonder if the sales of these ( expensive ? ) new arrangers will be successful in a time period where nothing is stable and prices of basic needs are increasing daily, all over the world ?

I have my doubts.

For home players ( more than 80% of this Forum ? ) there is no rush to step up, I guess.
Most of us will think twice before spending such an amount of money, IMO.  ::)

Best regards, JH



Quote from: Jeff Hollande on Oct 04, 2022, 01:38 AM
Most of us will think twice before spending such an amount of money, IMO.  ::)

I wouldn't be so sure about that, Jeff. If a new keyboard is important to someone, they'll find ways to have it.

Every month I put €60 in my Keyboard savings account. After three years, there is €2,160 in that account. Combined with the sale of my present keyboard (whether it was a Tyros 4, 5 or Genos) I have enough to buy the next Yamaha keyboard.

So if a Genos 2 offers important improvements (whenever it comes I don't care; I'm still thrilled with my Genos), I'd buy it in a heartbeat.



Yes I agree,
  If someone really want's a new model, they will find the means to buy it. After all there are no pockets in shrouds.


What Eileen says is true at individual level. But at a macro economics level there is no doubt that high inflation and a recession would heavily affect sales of non-essential items. Providers of these type of goods - and home keyboards are certainly in this category - must be concerned.


I agree with Eileen at an individual level!

I want to upgrade when the time comes. All three companies have great products with features that stand out, but what makes one come to the top, IMO, is the excellent customer service/support and supporting software, and no one does that better than Yamaha.

So, I am looking forward to getting the Genos 2, which, if Yamaha follows the Genos release, will show us teasers about three months before the official release.




Agree with mikf -and even more, when we speak about TOTL keyboards. These things are meant for professionals (also price wise) and pro's don't really change equipment that often as we would think. And when they do upgrade, they try to stick with the brand they already use -simply because it makes continuing more comfortable. And so, there really must be something exceptional "on the other side of fence", to make brand switch to happen.
As for enthusiastic home/hobby keyboard musicians (willing to spend some cash)... For many here, it's probably the first time they even heard about Ketron. I think, we tend to make a "safe" (future proof) decision: we buy what's proven not to be wrong. And here Yamaha and Korg are well positioned, I think. Especially Yamaha, because here we can also find good entry level keyboards. And as we know, once you start with certain brand, you usually stick with it. Ketron however, has no such offer... and so we come to my first paragraph.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube

Jeff Hollande

Hi Guys :

The street prices of the newest high end 76k arranger keyboards ( Ketron, Korg and Yamaha ) will be approx. between Euro / US$ 4,500 -- and 5,000 each, I guess.

I wonder how many people ( present keyboard owners ) will upgrade in 2023 ?
Between 10 - 15% or ( much ) more ? 8)

Best regards, JH



Quote from: maartenb on Oct 04, 2022, 05:23 AM
I wouldn't be so sure about that, Jeff. If a new keyboard is important to someone, they'll find ways to have it.

Every month I put €60 in my Keyboard savings account. After three years, there is €2,160 in that account. Combined with the sale of my present keyboard (whether it was a Tyros 4, 5 or Genos) I have enough to buy the next Yamaha keyboard.

So if a Genos 2 offers important improvements (whenever it comes I don't care; I'm still thrilled with my Genos), I'd buy it in a heartbeat.


+1 at 100%.
It's a matter of personal budget and priorities.
I have never been disappointed by my Yamaha purchases for 40 years. Even if I always expect more ....


Lee Batchelor

After hearing the PA5X and Event, for me to put out that kind of money to upgrade my Genos, Yamaha would need to be leaps and bounds above these two competitors. While I know they're capable, the Genos 2 cannot be a simple "refresh" of the Genos 1 the way Tyros 4 was to Tyros 5 and earlier. That idea will not cut it in this new world of arrangers 😬. The technological demand alone is for a HUGE upgrade.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


I have seen lot of keyboardists that bought a new keyboard (me too :) sometimes) Not of a better quality that justify the amount of money, They also became not better musIcians or learned more skills. Just a matter of want having a new tool with the latest digital technique and it has to  be the top model. Nothing wrong with that. One can see it in cars, phones, tv etc. One have mostly good resons (to  convince themselves) to justify the deal or are simply honest. ;)
My best regards,

Jeff Hollande

Quote from: Lee Batchelor on Oct 04, 2022, 04:29 PM
After hearing the PA5X and Event, for me to put out that kind of money to upgrade my Genos, Yamaha would need to be leaps and bounds above these two competitors. While I know they're capable, the Genos 2 cannot be a simple "refresh" of the Genos 1 the way Tyros 4 was to Tyros 5 and earlier. That idea will not cut it in this new world of arrangers 😬. The technological demand alone is for a HUGE upgrade.

I think you are right, Lee.

Now it will be an old-fashioned competition battle. ;)




Lee Batchelor

Good points, Jeff and Eileen. I agree with Eileen. Yamaha will be last to this party but they'll bring the best house warming gift 🎹! A few weeks after Genos 2 hits the market, the other two will be saying, "Why didn't we think of that??"
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Quote from: Lee Batchelor on Oct 05, 2022, 06:09 AM
Good points, Jeff and Eileen. I agree with Eileen. Yamaha will be last to this party but they'll bring the best house warming gift 🎹! A few weeks after Genos 2 hits the market, the other two will be saying, "Why didn't we think of that??"
Then I hope for a Genos with a 61,5 keys ... nobody has that yet  ;D ;D
My best regards,


I think Yamaha will only produce a 76 note Flagship as they have proved so popular.
The S Series will be the ones with 61 note.


I respect you, but in this case i believe my dealer: 61,76 and 88. Things can change...  ::)
My best regards,

Jeff Hollande

Only time will tell if you are right, Ton. :)

But ... why should Yamaha produce an 88k Genos2 version ?
They have their CVP's family ( only 88k ), right ?

Best wishes, JH