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Style Mixer Slider window revisited

Started by Lee Batchelor, Sep 17, 2022, 06:47 AM

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Lee Batchelor

QuoteA factory re-set will NOT do this.
Agreed. And yet, that's what Yamaha support told me to do. That doesn't give me much confidence with Yamaha support if that's the best they can do. Stijn gave a totally different solution to try. I haven't taken him up on it yet, but I may soon. I'm giving Yamaha support one more chance to fix this.

Thanks for clarifying this, Eileen. You saved me from wasting another 10 minutes of my life on yet another useless solution.

"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Hi Lee --

Stijn has described a way of resetting memory using the internal Genos self-test program. For folks who are following the thread, please realize that using the internal self-test program can be risky.

I have sent some PM that may be helpful -- pj

Michael Trigoboff

Every company that develops computer applications has this problem: people who are smart and competent enough to do great technical support are smart and competent enough to get better, higher, paying jobs writing code or designing hardware. No one is paying tech support staff six-figure incomes.
Genos2, Roli Rise 25, Focusrite 4th gen 16i16 and 3rd gen 8i6
Cubase Pro 14, Cubasis 3, SpectraLayers 11

retired software developer and Computer Science instructor
Grateful Deadhead emeritus

"He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt."
-- Joseph Heller, Catch-22

Lee Batchelor

QuoteNo one is paying tech support staff six-figure incomes.
And it shows, Michael! I'm still waiting on Yamaha support to advise me further.

PJD, thanks for the note 👍.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.

Lee Batchelor

I heard back from support. The rep I've been working with named Jac, asked me to run the hardware diagnostic program that begins by holding the C#2, F2, and G#2 notes+Power On. This was so he could decide if my Genos needed to be brought in for repair. He pointed me to Casper's YouTube video, which really surprised me. Why would a Yamaha service rep point me to a third party video? Instead, I would have expected some sort of official documentation from Yamaha. Casper's video has no dialog, just background music. At times, I wasn't sure if his finger was hovering on the START/STOP button or pushing it. After a while I was able to surmise that it was hovering. It's best if he had moved his finger when needed. Having said that, thanks for the great video, Casper!

There are about 60 steps to check. Some I couldn't do because the test required (for example) that the MIDI cables were connected to an external piece of hardware. At that point, the test would freeze and there was no way to unfreeze it so I could move on to the next step. Therefore, I had to start all over again 😣!! This happened about 10 times, so I really couldn't do a complete test as requested. The rep was of no use either because I immediately emailed him about the test freezing and that there should be some key sequence to override the freezing. I've heard nothing back. I must say the communication over this issue has been disappointing. It's as though if there's no money for Yamaha in helping me, I get put on the back burner, despite the thousands of dollars I've spent over the years.

So, I'm no further ahead. I sent him back a note saying that for the completed steps, there are no issues. Then again, from strictly a science point of view, the entire test is useless because it could not be completed.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Hello Lee,
  I have just taken two of my registrations that were set to knob assign and altered then to Slider. I would be interested to see if they work correctly for you.

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Lee Batchelor

Many thanks, Eileen! My Genos is packed but as soon as I open it again, I'll give those a try and report back.
You're the best. Mom always spoke highly of you 🤣.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.

Lee Batchelor

Hi Eileen,

I loaded your two registrations but I get the same issue. Yours work fine until I select one of my own that shows the knob window first. When I go back to yours, the knob window is shown first. I'm living with the fact I must press the Reg button twice to get the Slider window first (sometimes). Yamaha has no fix. Thanks for trying, Eileen!

To anyone who uses the hardware check that Casper's video describes. Make sure you have everything backed up. I lost all my registrations, user voices, user styles, and some other things. All system settings are rest to factory specs. Apparently the hardware check purges the software to factory defaults. It's as though I just opened the box after bringing my new Genos home. There's nothing there!!!
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Quote from: Lee Batchelor on Nov 21, 2022, 10:53 AM
To anyone who uses the hardware check that Casper's video describes. Make sure you have everything backed up. I lost all my registrations, user voices, user styles, and some other things. All system settings are rest to factory specs. Apparently the hardware check purges the software to factory defaults. It's as though I just opened the box after bringing my new Genos home. There's nothing there!!!

Oh well, you got your Factory Reset in the end then :)

Lee Batchelor

True Derek but now I'm faced with ANOTHER problem.

I restored all my Genos files from my backed up files but have come to realize that none of my Right 1 reverb settings have been restored. They are all set to Real Medium Hall +. It's as though all my Right 1 reverb settings have been wiped clean!!

Can anyone tell me WTH is going on with my Genos? I'm really starting to think I need to cancel all my gigs and rebuild everything from scratch. Trouble is, I don't know if I'll live that long. Geez.............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Quote from: Lee Batchelor on Nov 21, 2022, 11:31 AM
I restored all my Genos files from my backed up files but have come to realize that none of my Right 1 reverb settings have been restored. They are all set to Real Medium Hall +. It's as though all my Right 1 reverb settings have been wiped clean!!

Not totally sure what you mean there - the master Reverb type is stored with the Style group, it can't differ by part - only an insertion effect type can be associated with a specific part.

Lee Batchelor

That's probably my answer, thanks Derek. I'll check the Master Reverb. It's probably Yamaha's default, which was loaded after the hardware trouble shooting exercise. Never thought of that 🙃.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Hi Lee
It is just a thought but when you updated to version two did you do as we were all told and that was to make a note of any settings we have saved in the Backup Restore files as it was not possible to load them in with version two. You had to redo them and then save again. This may be why you have lost some of your settings.

Thanks for trying the registration banks. You will need to resave all your banks because if you don't your problem will keep happening. It dose the same on my keyboard if I load a bank that I have not altered. Fortunately, it only takes a couple of minuets to resave the bank buttons and then resave the whole bank.

Lee Batchelor

Good ideas, as usual Eileen.

I agree with you on the resaving idea. I need to adjust ALL registrations and save them all over again. Only then will they behave as expected, hopefully. I honestly think whatever Yamaha did to the operating system after 2.0, they really made it tough for us who didn't save our registrations correctly. I never had an issue like this with any of my prior keyboards. I'm really disappointed in Yamaha and how they've thrown us this curve ball. What's equally disturbing is how the operating system behaves during updates. You loose all your core setups. This never happens with conventional computer operating systems.

Yamaha needs to re-visit how their operating systems are configured so that nightmares like this don't happen!!
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Hello Lee,
I have never had an update change anything on my keyboard. All my effects I use are saved in my registrations anyway so are always there to recall. Version two was different because the whole system was updated and extra memory added but we were told in advance what we needed to do to avoid any problems afterwards.

Lee Batchelor

I think you hit the nail on the head long ago, Eileen. Having brought all these registrations through several PSR and Tyros keyboards, there's been ample opportunity for corruption. Traditionally, I've always loaded earlier registrations on a new keyboard and just tweaked them with the new voices. For the most part, it has worked but a few things have gone wrong, causing wide-spread unwanted results like I'm seeing now.

After Christmas, I have a lull. I'm going to log all my registration details and rebuild them from scratch. That will solve my problem. Meanwhile, thanks for all your help along the way 😀! That goes for everyone too!
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.

Lee Batchelor

One further thought...

If I'm about to embark on recreating all my registrations, would anyone be willing to share their current template? I can create my own but I'd like to see what others are doing so that I don't overlook something. This is no small project, so I want to get it right the first time. Many thanks!
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.