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Ew400 Change presets via midi file

Started by eskilus, Aug 11, 2022, 11:47 AM

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Hi, I'm a self-taught keyboard player. Years ago I bought a Yamaha EW400 and now I would like to make sure that the keyboard presets (= voices) can change via "Program Change" messages inserted in the midi tracks. To explain better: I don't want the track to use the EW400 sounds, but I want it to change the keyboard preset that I will play directly on the EW400.
Thanks for joining me in the forum and...sorry for my poor English! 😉


Welcome to the forum!

The voices that you select using the front panel buttons are called "Panel Voices" in the EW400 Data List PDF.

I think you are asking if a control message in a MIDI file can select a panel voice for you when the MIDI file is played. Unfortunately, no. The E-series have relatively basic MIDI implementations. (Please see the EW400 MIDI Reference PDF.)

-- pj


Thanks a lot pjd!
so I won't waste any more time trying!
do you know if there is any dedicated software for the management of the ew400?


Hi --

Could you say a little more about "management"? What would you like to accomplish? That would help narrow the scope.

Thanks -- pj


I mean a software that manages the Panel voice or, more generally, the EW400 setup.