PSR SX700 with Motif Rack XS

Started by cruzzer, Aug 01, 2022, 03:21 AM

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Hi Everyone,
Had this problem of setting up my PSR SX700 connected to my Yamaha Motif Rack XS.

I wanted to record on Cubase AI Elements 12  a mulitrack from the PSR SX700, but can't seem to get round how to go about creating a setup.

PSR SX700 ->  Motif Rack XS->  Cubase AI

I want to record each track to it's own track on cubase

If I play a style on my keyboard, How do you send each style part to the Motif Rack and record this on to Cubase.

When I try to do this I hear a jumbled up mess of sounds.
I would appreciate any help in the right direction.