Creating one's own collection of ONE TOUCH SETTINGS but NOT as part of new style

Started by nonchai, Jul 11, 2022, 12:56 PM

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Rather than always being beholden to the OTS that as particular internal style comes with ( or REGISTER ) I'd like to just be able to substitute what's there with my own 4 instrument choices.

For example I usually never want to use horns or strings for doing soloing or melody lines.

Now I realise I can just create my own USER style or create my OTS set as part of a saved REGISTER - combined with a particular style - but I'd like to be able to call up - say my collection of 4 Hammond patches or 4 EP patches p or some other mix of preferred soloist instruments - for us with ANY style I happen to have landed on.

Can this be done?

Graham UK

Make Registrations of your Favorite Voices...SAVE to RGT with Style UN-Ticked.
You can then use these Voice RGT's with any style selected.

On my DGX670 I have make 10 banks of  RGT Voices with the Style Un-Ticked.
This works better than OTS's now being able to use any time.