Chord information in MIDI files

Started by tilusnet, Jun 30, 2022, 05:31 PM

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Hello folks,

I noticed that some midi files played on the Yamaha PSR also display chord information.

How is this baked into the midi files?
Can you recommend some software the lists this info, or allows to edit it?

Many thanks!


The only software I know of that allows the straightforward entry and display of chord information is Yamaha's own, ancient XGworks program.

There are two sections, that can be shown or hidden, at the foot of the Track View, for chords and styles to be inserted/displayed.
In the chords section chords can be selected from a pop-up, a bass note added if required, and placed at a particualr point in the song.

The actual command (an XF Chord Name) is inserted in the Master Track of the MIDI file at the Measure / Beat / Tick selected.
This can then be edited here as needed.

The later SOL2 program (also rather old) does allow work on XF information but, in my view, isn't quite as atraightforward as XGworks.

Any help?



PSRUTI is a program that can generate chords in a MIDI file. Watch this video.

PSRUTI download link

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Thank you both, your answers are insightful.

I have also found out about SysEx midi messages in the meantime.

For anyone else interested, the way chords are displayed:
the Yamaha keyboard is looking for specifically crafted SysEx midi messages that contain encoded chord information.
The encoding specification is in Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login at page 19.
That's how it works.


Excellent as always Casper, Are you going to get back to your excellent odcasts?


I hope to continue with the video. This year has directed me towards some other non-music related goals, but I hope to have the time and will to continue working on my Youtube channel.
Watch my video channel


Quote from: tilusnet on Jun 30, 2022, 05:31 PM
Hello folks,

I noticed that some midi files played on the Yamaha PSR also display chord information.

How is this baked into the midi files?
Can you recommend some software the lists this info, or allows to edit it?

Many thanks!

Hi tilusnet,

Please note the following important difference:

XF Chords (which are normally used in MIDI files) are so-called Meta Events and are therefore NOT transmitted via MIDI/USB-MIDI (but can only be evaluated directly on the device on which the MIDI file is loaded).

SysEx Chords, on the other hand, can also be transmitted via a MIDI connection.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Quote from: overover on Jul 06, 2022, 05:12 AM
Hi tilusnet,

Please note the following important difference:

XF Chords (which are normally used in MIDI files) are so-called Meta Events and are therefore NOT transmitted via MIDI/USB-MIDI (but can only be evaluated directly on the device on which the MIDI file is loaded).

SysEx Chords, on the other hand, can also be transmitted via a MIDI connection.

Best regards,

Interesting, thank you.