Problem/bug with song track sometimes not playing until reboot

Started by Dziekanc, Jun 14, 2022, 10:31 PM

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Wondering if anyone else has had issue — at some point playing a new song A will volume will drop to 1 or 2 instead of 127.. Same song on B is no problem . songA will also fix itself after reboot.. but a pain in the you know what to be playing on stage and this happens

Lee Batchelor

Welcome aboard, Dziekanc :D.

I assume the songs are in MIDI format and not Audio? If they are MIDI, then there must be a MIDI message telling the Genos to drop the songs to that level. I don't work with MIDI recording on the Genos, so perhaps another member can chime in.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Quote from: Dziekanc on Jun 14, 2022, 10:31 PM
Wondering if anyone else has had issue — at some point playing a new song A will volume will drop to 1 or 2 instead of 127.. Same song on B is no problem . songA will also fix itself after reboot.. but a pain in the you know what to be playing on stage and this happens

Hi Dziekanc,

If you memorize a MIDI file ("MIDI Song") in a Registration, the current Song volume will also be memorized (and restored when the registration is recalled later). Therefore, please make sure that one of your registrations does not accidentally set the Song volume to such a low value.

Another thought: After a restart, the Live Control sliders are set to "B" (Balance) and the Part volume values (including "SongA" and "SongB") are set to 100. At this time I always set the "Song B" Part (which I use for MIDI files) to a value of 70 and usually leave this value unchanged for all MIDI files.

But beware: If for some reason the current position of the Live Control slider in question is relatively low and it is (unintentionally) moved a small amount, the value for the assigned parameter (e.g. a Song part) may jump to a very low value. I recommend moving all Live Control sliders either all the way down or (better) all the way up before restarting to avoid such unwanted parameter changes as much as possible.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi guys - the song is audio and works well for a whole bunch of songs, but then once in a while even the same song... just looses sll its volume even thought the volume setting is at 127 max. . Same song registered song B as audio works find. And rebooting makes everything good again.