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.WAV file format for playback on PSR keyboards

Started by Piano Tone, Jun 07, 2022, 12:02 PM

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Piano Tone

Hey there!  So I make backing tracks in various ways (sometimes from iReal Pro, sometimes from Band In A Box and sometimes from Jamzone).  I usually just play those back through an audio in port on my new Yamaha PSR-EW425, but I'd like to be able to use the flash drive as well (as a backup but also so I can just leave it hooked up and don't need to always have the iPad handy).

Running into issues though with SOME of the .WAV files where I get the "ErrLoad" message - some type of compatibility issue.  Seems like the iReal Pro ones are always fine, and the Band In The Box ones never seem to work.

Anyone know of file format issues I need to be looking at?



Supported format is 44.1kHz, 16-bit, stereo.
SX900 and S670
Former keyboards: E433, E463, SX700

Piano Tone

Thanks so much!   It looks like BIAB defaults to 24 bit, found how to set that to 16 and it seems to be working now, thanks again!

The BIAB support was friendly and helpful but they said there was no way to specify the format, but after digging a bit I found that there are 2 ways to create a .WAV file; one is "File-Save Special-Choose WAV" (with this there is no way to change from 24 to 16 bit, but under the Audio menu there is an "Export Song As Audio File" where you can).