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Started by brucerez, May 19, 2022, 12:39 PM

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I want to do some style editing and apparently the StyleMagic seems good and I want to buy the full version but need the Mac version.
I did many search on line, with no luck, the only thing I found, it's a you tube video without any link.
Any help/guide would be appreciated.


Joe H

There is no Mac version of StyleMagic, but my understanding is that you could run PC software on a Mac with some kind of add-on OS or software. There are some folks here that may post more info about it. Since I don't have a Mac I can't elaborate futher.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

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Quote from: Joe H on May 24, 2022, 09:43 AM
There is no Mac version of StyleMagic, but my understanding is that you could run PC software on a Mac with some kind of add-on OS or software. There are some folks here that may post more info on it. Since I don't have a Mac I can elaborate futher.

Joe H

Thanks Joe for your reply.
I've contacted Thomas about running the StyleMagic on mac, so he said only Windows version.
Since I have also a Windows laptop I am going to buy it.

I've already read the PDF that he sent me about the StyleMagic. It sounds comprehensive except some points.
I will need eventually some help or assistance to start working with this software and I will post my questions here in the forum.
I hope to get some help from the experts.

Thanks anyway and appreciated.



I got finally the StyleMagic software and started trying and learning.

Right now I am working on a midi style file and I've already converted it to Yamaha style through StyleMagic.
Everything plays back normally in the keyboard except the Bass channel.

The Bass channel is set to channel 9 in the original midi style file.
When converting the style to Yamaha SFF2, it is assigned to channel 11 and does not sound correctly. It sounds like a very quiet noise sound.
How can I resolve this problem?

Thank you

Joe H

Did you move the bass part to channel 11 in Channels Manager, then look to see if it has the right Bass Voice assigned to it?  Also in the Mixing Console (not Sty Console) is the Volume set correctly?

Go into the CASM Editor also and set the default for that Part. It's the icon at the top right... icon on the left I believe. Click on that icon to set the default settings for Bass channel.  Also check to see if there are any other channels (1-8) assigned to the Bass Part. If so ... delete it (them)

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Thanks Joe for the advice.
It was helpful and I could figure it out.

I swapped the channels 9 and 11, and also did Validation to SFF2, CASM auto create and saved to .sty.
It plays back almost correctly in my keyboard.

I said playback almost correctly because some of the notes in drum kit in Main C and Main D don't play the same sounds like my original korg style.
I guess I will need doing some tweaking in that Drum kit and create a new one. I don't know if creating a new Drum kit is possible in Yamaha PSR keyboard.
This will be my next challenge.

In StyleMagic, why the Break section is not included when saving the style?
I maybe missed something.

Thanks for your time and your help.

Joe H

Two things you could try.

1. Try editing the drum notes and see if that will get the drum track that you want. 

2.  You can load the MIDI file again and find a single bar that you like for the Break.  Create the Break (and Intros and Endings) and Export them from the Sections Manager, then load your new style and Import them into your new style from the Sections Manager screen.  StyleMagic is a very powerful program once you get to know it well.

BTW... If you open the Drum Editor from SInt Section you will be able to edit the drum kit extensively and it is global so your drum edits will apply to all Sections of the style.  You can select a different drum kit and alter the notes and even pitch, Velocity, Filter, and Resonance, etc.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


1. Try editing the drum notes and see if that will get the drum track that you want.
I did this in the keyboard, it sounds correctly as I want but strangely the tempo of the Main C changes from 83 to 120 when I exit and play back the style, weird!

Below are the steps I did in the keyboard:
1- Selecting the style (time signature 6/8, Tempo 83).
2- Pressing Main C button as target/destination.
3- Selecting Menu > Style Creator > Rec Channel > highlight the Rhythm 2 channel > StepEdit > changed all the wrong note F-1 to correct note D1 (Snare).
4- Save the style.
5- Exit
6- Playing back the Main C.

The Tempo of Main C changes from 83 to 120, which is incorrect.
The Main A and B playing back correctly at Tempo 83.

Quote2.  You can load the MIDI file again and find a single bar that you like for the Break.  Create the Break (and Intros and Endings) and Export them from the Sections Manager, then load your new style and Import them into your new style from the Sections Manager screen.  StyleMagic is a very powerful program once you get to know it well.
Good point. I will try it.

BTW... If you open the Drum Editor from SInt Section you will be able to edit the drum kit extensively and it is global so your drum edits will apply to all Sections of the style...
Where can I find the Drum Editor in StyleMagic?


Joe H

Load your style in StyleMagic. Open the Mixing Console.  Select the SInt Section. Now click on the drum part to open the Drum Editor.  That is the ONLY way to access the Drum Editor.  You will find a lot of parameters to edit there.  Again these edits will be global and apply to ALL style Sections.

You can edit drum kit notes (change) then selecting "Apply" after you find a better percussion sound for each note. You can edit individual drum notes in each Section by clicking on the drum Part while in the Mixing Console.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Everything is ok now.
I could converting successfully the style. It's playing back correctly in my Yamaha keyboard.
I also fixed the problem of tempo and time signature through StyleMagic MultiEditor.
Thanks Joe for your help.

I will continue converting other styles that have some audio percussion loops and I will probably need your help/assistance.

Best regard

Joe H

You are very welcome... glad I could help.


Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


I am working on converting a midi style in StyleMagic, I could convert and playing back successfully (with some tweaking) on my keyboard all the style sections except the Break, it is missing.

The Break is present on StyleMagic and plays correctly but not present when save with all the other style sections (Intro, Main, etc...).
I've sent an email to Thomas (developer) and explained him my problem, so far no reply.

So I was wondering if anybody working with StyleMagic has encountered this kind of problem.
Thank you for any help.


Quote from: brucerez on Jun 07, 2022, 05:35 PM
I am working on converting a midi style in StyleMagic, I could convert and playing back successfully (with some tweaking) on my keyboard all the style sections except the Break, it is missing.

The Break is present on StyleMagic and plays correctly but not present when save with all the other style sections (Intro, Main, etc...).
I've sent an email to Thomas (developer) and explained him my problem, so far no reply.

So I was wondering if anybody working with StyleMagic has encountered this kind of problem.
Thank you for any help.

Hi brucerez,

It might be because you didn't use the "Fill In BA" marker for the Break section. To my knowledge, the markers/sections "Break AA", "Break BB" and "Fill In AB" CANNOT be used.

I have attached a picture of the correct names of the markers and the correspondig text events (fn:<marker name>) in an SFF1/SFF2 Style file.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,

[attachment deleted by admin]
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Quote from: overover on Jun 07, 2022, 06:38 PM
Hi brucerez,

It might be because you didn't use the "Fill In BA" marker for the Break section. To my knowledge, the markers/sections "Break AA", "Break BB" and "Fill In AB" CANNOT be used.

I have attached a picture of the correct names of the markers and the correspondig text events (fn:<marker name>) in an SFF1/SFF2 Style file.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
Thanks Chris for your reply.

That's correct, there is no Fill In BA in my style (.sty). I have 3 Fill In AA, Fill In BB and Fill In CC.
I've already exported and saved the Break AA on my PC and then I opened my style (.sty) and tried to import the Break AA to complete my style but I get an error message.

How can I add the missing Break to my already converted style?
I spent lot of time to convert this style and tweaking to sound correctly in my keyboard.
I hope I don't have to restart from beginning.

Thank you


Hi Brucerez,

It shouldn't be a problem to copy the existing "Break AA" section to "Fill In BA" in StyleMagic YA (and then delete the "Break AA" section that is no longer needed). Please work only with a copy of your original style, so that you can still can fall back on the original version.

Another method would be to just change the Marker names in your style (which contains a "wrong" Break section):

- Load the style into MixMaster and click on the "ListView" button.

- In the right area of ​​the "ListView" window under "EventType" remove the two checkmarks "Markers" and "Text / Karaoke". Then click the "Invert" button directly below to invert the selection and click "Update" to update the event list (left pane).

- Now you only see the Marker events and, if present in your style, the associated text events (e.g. "fn:Main A" for the marker "Main A").

- Now right-click the desired event and choose "Edit a Selected Event" from the context menu. This way you can modify the name of the marker "Break AA" to "Fill In BA". If your style also has the associated text events, change the text event "fn:Break AA" to "fn:Fill In BA".

- Please note the spaces in the marker names and make sure that you do not change the time position (measure / beat / tick) of the markers or text events.

- Save the style under a different name with "Save As File", copy the style file to a USB stick and test it on the keyboard. Normally the Break of the style should now work correctly, because the "Break" button on the keyboard always calls up the "Fill In BA" section of the style file, as mentioned.

I wish you success!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris,

I could do it successfully after some error and trial.
The break is there (on my keyboard) and plays correctly except the voices.

Another question regarding assigning the voices.

In the keyboard I want to assign the correct sounds (voices) for the Break in different channel.
But this is not possible in the keyboard because it asks me to delete the data of the channel before editing.

How can I assign the voice of my keyboard for each channel (of the Break) and listen them at the same time through StyleMagic,
save them on my USB flash drive, loading and playing back in the keyboard?

Thanks again for your help, I couldn't do it without your assistance, appreciated.

PS: By the way, I downloaded and installed the MixMaster. It sounds interesting. I'll keep it and will use it in the future if I need it.

Joe H

If I may intervene here, open the style in StyleMagic and go to the STY Console.  When you change a Voice for any style Part that uses an alternate channel, the Voice will be changed to the same in the alternate channels 1 - 8.  This does not happen in the regular Mixing Console.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Quote from: Joe H on Jun 09, 2022, 02:02 PM
If I may intervene here, open the style in StyleMagic and go to the STY Console.  When you change a Voice for any style Part that uses an alternate channel, the Voice will be changed to the same in the alternate channels 1 - 8.  This does not happen in the regular Mixing Console.

Joe H

That worked, thank you Joe,
In STY Console I changed the voice of the channel 15 (Phrase 1) to my liking and tested in the keyboard and it's correctly assigned.

Now I have a different question.
In StyleMagic MultiEditor, how can I move some notes to different position?
For example; moving some notes from measure 023-02  to measure 023-01.

Thank you


Joe H

Go to the midisoft webite. You can download the manual for StyleMagic... Click on the Technical Tab at the top of the page and you will see various manuals.  The StyleMagic manual is made up of several different manuals for each component of the program.

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I think it done by left-click and right-click or entering the bars you want to copy in a field at the top. It is explained in the Multieditor manual.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Quote from: Joe H on Jun 10, 2022, 08:56 PM
Go to the midisoft webite. You can download the manual for StyleMagic... Click on the Technical Tab at the top of the page and you will see various manuals.  The StyleMagic manual is made up of several different manuals for each component of the program.

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I think it done by left-click and right-click or entering the bars you want to copy in a field at the top. It is explained in the Multieditor manual.

Joe H

Thanks Joe for the link.
I've already read the StyleMagic manual but I will read it again.
Anyway I resolved the problem through the MixMaster program and it worked fine.
