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Style : Reverb/Chorus

Started by Luluc, Apr 28, 2022, 11:20 AM

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Hi all,

In the Genos mixer/Panel, we have a setting for Style/Chorus and Style/reverb.

Each part having its own Chorus/Reverb setting, what is the purpose of these setting ?

How do use these or do you let them to value 0 ?
Yamaha Genos - Focusrite Scarlett 18i20- Behringer FCB1010 - AKG K92
Genosman Music


Chorus and reverb are so-called system effects, meaning that each part of style, song and also the right/left voices can make use of them. The setting in the mixer determines how much effect is applied to each part. Loading a style determines which chorus/reverb effect is used and also adapts the individual settings per part. This is how it works on the SX700 so I guess genos handles these effects in a similar same way. In general no need to change them but you can finetune them in case you would like to. Personally, I only adapt these settings for the right voices and never for style parts.
SX900 and S670
Former keyboards: E433, E463, SX700


Thanks johan for answering.

My post is not about the reverb/chorus settings as system effects in general.

In the Genos mixer, in the PANEL tab, we have a default settings of 64 for chorus and reverb for the STYLE (in global, not the style parts we can access via the style tab).

Each style part having its own Chorus/Reverb setting, what is the purpose of these settings ?
Yamaha Genos - Focusrite Scarlett 18i20- Behringer FCB1010 - AKG K92
Genosman Music


That's the global FX return. Normally don't change them because other songs & styles  will be counting on the global returns to be at the default (50%) levels.
If your effects sends were all 0, then the amount of global returns wouldn't matter, but pretty much everything except bass requires reverb; conversely chorus is very easy to over-do, so if you set the global chorus return to 0, you probably wouldn't be missing much (generally lightly sprinkled on guitar, bass, electric pianos. Would sound absolutely awful on acoustic piano). For example, if you set both global FX returns to 0, nothing in the styles would receive any reverb or chorus; without reverb most instruments sound unnaturally dry.

But generally you don't have to worry about the global fx returns. Within the style, as you already noted, there are individual effects sends for each style/song channel because you don't send the same amount of reverb and chorus for everything.

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Mark Wilburn


Many thanks Amwilburn,

Global FX Return : You got the clear explanation I was waiting for.
That enables me to have a better control of my Genos.
Yamaha Genos - Focusrite Scarlett 18i20- Behringer FCB1010 - AKG K92
Genosman Music