SX700 Can't Identify left hand voice with ACMP turned "off"

Started by dlepera, Feb 13, 2022, 03:35 PM

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  I have a left hand voice that I am trying to identify what it is and can't seem to do so.  I do not want to clear it as that is easy to do. Seems that it is a default set of some sort for various stile and is triggered by ensuring that the ACMP is "OFF & the Part Select "Left" is off.  The OTS-Link and/or the Auto-Fill-In can be in any status and they have no affect.

    Of course if I do turn on one or the other "Left" voice in the Part Select or ACMP, things will change.

  In this particular case I have loaded  the Fernando_EL style , turned ACMP, plays fine. Then I turn off the ACMP and there is that voice. Kind of a left over from that style.  It does change from style to style, however I have no way of finding what or where it is.

   I was hoping that the attached picture would have revealed something but it does not, or at least I do not see anything.

It kind of is a good discovery for me as there are some good and strange voices that can be used for other things, but not knowing exactly what they are, where to find them or easily manipulate them kind of makes them difficult to manage.  Yes I can use registrations for them and give them all a different name, but there has to be a better way.

      Thanks for your time.
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When ACMP and Left Voice are off, the entire keyboard plays voices that are active in Right 1, 2 or 3. There is no dilemma here.
However, when Syncho Start is off, then there are sounds in the left hand that are not precisely defined.
There are 3 statuses for the left hand when Synchro Start is off. They can be adjusted as desired and each reacts differently to the sound of the left hand. Watch the video from this part (English subtitles)
Watch my video channel


Thanks for responding  Ckobu.

  I have viewed the video but am no further ahead.  Sync off or on makes no difference on the left sound when ACMP is off. That left voice is consistent across the board and R1, R2, R3 don't even play a role in this at this point.  The video with all due respect for me did not get me my answer, although your videos are all great!   

Let me add when I power up the SX700  ACMP is off as default, the entire keyboard picks up voices from what is assigned in the Part Select.   So I can play it just like a piano. No Split point with a value of R1 and default voice for R1 is ConcertGrand.

  Now I load a bank the OTS is loaded and the keyboard goes into R1 + R1, split mode "SYTLE" & "CHORD", SYNC, ACMP is on automatically.  All good so far and ready play.

  Next  I stop the style, turn off ACMP and I see that the keyboard shows R1 + R2 in the Split Point and Figuring Panel, but this time. the split went back to the displaying the whole keyboard.

   The difference from the the initial power up of the keyboard with ACMP off, now, is that the "split" does not display (shows whole keyboard finger mode), yet internally, it does remember the split point and the voice that got loaded into it.  I know because voices from the split point down are good and can be changed by simply changing voices as I please,
<<<BUT>>> the upper split will maintain the non related voice.  Only way to change the upper split will be to turned on the "Left" voice at which point the Split Point & Fingering will go into split mode and display only "left & chord"  R1 + R2 which I selected.  Once I turn on at this point ACMP the display will be "Style+Left & Chord"R1 + R2.

  Now turn off the LEFT voice, turn off ACMP and split is no longer displayed, but that residual voice from before is still there from the split point up. It is this residual voice that I am trying to identify what it is, where it is, and how to control it.

    Hope I have not confused anyone at this point.

            Thanks for your support!     

Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!


As far as the mystery voices are concerned (which are heard when playing below split point when the style is stopped) they are not a "fault" but are deliberately applied since for some reason Yamaha must have believed at some point they are useful to have. On Genos (maybe on your PSR too) they may be be changed by going to Style Setting/ STOP ACMP where you can choose Fixed (same voices heard for any stopped style), Style (same voices used as in the current style) and Off/silent. This I think is mentioned in the owner's manual if you need more detail.
So you can turn them off, although if you use registrations and have already saved some before you knew about this when the setting was Fixed, the voices will annoyingly keep coming back until you modify those regs!



Hi John and thank you for your response. 

The Style Setting is FIXED for 'Stop ACMP" in my case.  As you mentioned some voices are annoying but it's not the fact that the voices are there and they should not be,  as you know we can override them and rarely play those chords/voices with ACMP off in that state. My goal strange or not, is to identify what they are.

  Some of the voices are really neat. Those I would like to identify what they are if possible and recreate then  apply them to my OTS R1,R2,R3 or Left.

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