Jammin style

Started by RobM, Feb 06, 2022, 06:13 PM

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I'm looking for a style for Bob Marleys 'Jammin'

I know Yamaha Musicsoft did a great version and I'm happy to buy it but can't find it on their website.

Does anyone have a similar version or know where I can buy the Musicsoft version please?

Thanks guys

Roger Brenizer

I've attached 2 styles for you, Rob.  :)

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"Music Is My Life"
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Thanks Roger- Great styles! Thank you for your time and I'm sure I will use those.

I'd really like to get my hands on this one though if possible https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33a1bziWoZ8



Have this:
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yamaha extentions files styles for keyboards are as follows:
pst (pianist); pcs(piano combo); sst (session); prs (pro); bcs(basic); fps (free play) and scp (dj style).