MFC Footcontroller

Started by vlbrgt, Jan 24, 2022, 05:59 AM

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I downloaded the PSRSX700/900 manual and reference manual.
In the manuals I cannot find any info about external midi connections for the MFC footcontroller.
Is it possible to connect a MFC Footcontroller to these keyboards ?

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Rick D.


I looked at the manual, although I don't have those keyboards, it looks like you should be able to hook up the MFC-10

Here is a link to the manual:

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This Video although for Tyros 4 may help too.

Rick D.


Search in the Midi settings for external controller , if it is there ( as on the Genos)  you can use the MFC on youre SX keyboard

Soneg  :)
Genos & YC61 and Tannoy Gold 5 Monitors
My You Tube Channel :


Hi Etienne,

Incomprehensibly, there is no "External Controller" tab on PSR-SX models in the MIDI display (just as there is no "MFC10" tab on PSR-S models). It is therefore not possible, as usual with Tyros models and Genos, to use MIDI Note On commands from an external MIDI controller (e.g. the MFC10) and then assign them to the desired functions in the MIDI settings on the keyboard.

In other words, in conjunction with PSR-S/SX models you would have to program everything directly on the MFC10 or work directly with the corresponding SysEx (e.g. for style control) instead of with the mentioned Note events.

By the way, I am afraid that many of the functions that can be controlled on Tyros models or Genos in conjunction with the MFC10 cannot be used on PSR-S/SX models because there are no SysEx for them or they are not documented in the Data List.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


The MC10 has been discontinued for some time now probably before the SX series were made.


Quote from: EileenL on Jan 24, 2022, 07:09 AM
The MC10 has been discontinued for some time now probably before the SX series were made.

Yes, that is correct, Eileen.

But you can use any MIDI controller (or even a computer, a tablet/iPad or smartphone) in conjunction with the MFC10 settings on Tyros models or "External Controller" settings on Genos. However, as I said, these unfortunately don't exist on the PSR-S and PSR-SX models, so that you would have to work directly with SysEx or the MIDI CC (Continuous Controllers) used by default from the keyboard.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thanks for all the replies.
I do not have a PSR SX700 or SX900, so I cannot check what is possible.
This week or next week I will have the possibility to check it on a PSR SX700 and PSR SX900.

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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Rick D.

Chris know these keyboards inside and out. If he says it can't be done, you can rest assured it can't be done.

Rick D.


Quote from: Rick D. on Jan 24, 2022, 10:12 AM
Chris know these keyboards inside and out. If he says it can't be done, you can rest assured it can't be done. ...

Thanks for the compliment, Rick! :)

As I wrote before: It IS possible to use external MIDI controllers on PSR-S/SX models, but not as easy as on Tyros models or Genos, which have a corresponding tab in the MIDI settings.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Rick D.


You do a great job here!

They did away with the MFC-10 tab on the Genos. It can still be hooked up, but its takes a bit more work to make it work.
I am not sure why yamaha discontinued this controller, I love mine.

Rick D


Thanks for the replies.

QuoteIt IS possible to use external MIDI controllers on PSR-S/SX models

Ok perhaps I need to edit my question because I am not really using a MFC controller, but for my midi processor I make use of the same notes that are sent by a MFC to the keyboard to switch REG, start MP, Transpose ....

On my Genos there is a tab in the midi section called 'External Controller' where these settings can be configured.
Here you can set the midi channel to receive these notes.
You can also set the functions to handle for the received notes.

I cannot find these settings in the PSR SX700/900 manuals.

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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Quote from: vlbrgt on Jan 24, 2022, 03:59 PM
... I am not really using a MFC controller, but for my midi processor I make use of the same notes that are sent by a MFC to the keyboard to switch REG, start MP, Transpose ....

On my Genos there is a tab in the midi section called 'External Controller' where these settings can be configured.
Here you can set the midi channel to receive these notes.
You can also set the functions to handle for the received notes.

I cannot find these settings in the PSR SX700/900 manuals. ...

Hi Etienne,

Yes, as mentioned several times, the PSR-SX models unfortunately do not have the "External Controller" tab in the MIDI settings. I.e. you cannot work with NOTES (sent from an external MIDI controller on a specific MIDI channel) because there is no way to assign the desired functions to the received notes.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)