PSR-SX900 Styles played on PSR-SX600

Started by Geocomtex, Jan 05, 2022, 08:38 AM

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I am trying to use some of the styles that are exclusive to the PSR-SX900 on my new PSR-SX600, but some of the percussion sequences are not playing as they should. The other instruments are fine. I'm trying to get the 90s Aussie Pop style to play from the PSR-SX900 (this was downloaded from this site), but get a constant annoying cowbell and jingle bell sound over the style when played. I've changed the drum kits in the style to House Kit and Analogue Kit, but still get the constant sound as mentioned previously. Could anyone advise how to actually get rid of the cowbell and jingle bell sound? Or if there is a different version of the style somewhere that I could try?

Many thanks,



Welcome to the PSR Tutorial Forum, Baz!

You could try the following PC (Windows) programs to solve the described problems when using SX900 styles on SX600:

MixMaster (Use "Drumkit View" to revoice individual drum instruments. Use "List View" to check all MIDI events.)

Single Note Volume Changer (For changing the volume / velocity of individual drum instruments / note numbers. For example use the setting "100% Down".)
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Revo Drum Cleaner (For cleaning / remapping drums)
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Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thanks for your response, Chris.

I will try what you've suggested.

Are there any similar programs for Mac? I don't own a Windows PC.

Kind regards.


Quote from: Geocomtex on Jan 05, 2022, 11:30 AM
Thanks for your response, Chris.

I will try what you've suggested.

Are there any similar programs for Mac? I don't own a Windows PC.

Kind regards.

Hi Baz,

Unfortunately, I am not aware of any such tools for Mac. In principle, you can also use any MIDI sequencer or DAW (e.g. Cubase) to edit Yamaha style files. In this case, however, an additional Windows program is necessary (e.g. "Style Split and Splice"), because sequencer programs otherwise destroy the style file structure.

The easiest thing would be to get an additional PC / laptop (with Windows 10). Many programs still run under Win 7 or 8.1, but there is no longer any support for these earlier Windows versions.

There are also several ways to use Windows on the Mac, e.g. with Boot Camp, Parallels Desktop or VirtualBox. However, you need a valid license to install Windows.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


If you open the Style Creator on the keyboard, you can use the Drum Setup function to change individual drum sounds in the track then resave the style with a new name.


That's brilliant. Thank you. I'm still getting to grips with it. I use to know every function of every PSR keyboard in the 1990s and 2000s, but not played in about 20 years. Things have moved on a bit in terms of the functions etc.

I'll give your suggestion a try.

Thanks again.


Hi Baz,

You can find detailed information about the Drum Setup feature in the SX600 Reference Manual, from page 48.

If you have not yet downloaded the SX600 manuals (Owner's Manual, Reference Manual, Data List), here is a link to the SX600 download site:
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Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thank you everyone for your help. I managed to load the style into the style creator and mute the annoying cowbell and jingle bells. It now sounds as it would do played on a PSR-SX900.  ;D

I'm very grateful to you all for your help.

Kind regards,

Baz.  ;D


Quote from: overover on Jan 05, 2022, 01:11 PM
Hi Baz,

Unfortunately, I am not aware of any such tools for Mac. In principle, you can also use any MIDI sequencer or DAW (e.g. Cubase) to edit Yamaha style files. In this case, however, an additional Windows program is necessary (e.g. "Style Split and Splice"), because sequencer programs otherwise destroy the style file structure.

The easiest thing would be to get an additional PC / laptop (with Windows 10). Many programs still run under Win 7 or 8.1, but there is no longer any support for these earlier Windows versions.

There are also several ways to use Windows on the Mac, e.g. with Boot Camp, Parallels Desktop or VirtualBox. However, you need a valid license to install Windows.

Best regards,

YEP ! Agree with that 100%.

Just at the moment there are LOADS of Windows 10 pc's on the market, both new and second hand. Just a quick skip through Gumtree in this area alone shows me around 17 fully working ones for under £100 and 4 of them less than £70.

The reason is that with the announcement of the new Windows 11 operating system came the fairly ridiculous news that unless your pc has TPM 2 and a processor made within the last couple of years (don't even bother yourself with all the technical reasons) a heck of a lot of Windows 10 pc's will not be able to upgraded.
So a lot of companies and individuals are getting shot of perfectly working Windows 10 computers and laptops because they want to have Windows 11. Personally I will be sticking with W10 anyway. They make perfect computers for working with Yamaha keyboards.
Apple unfortunately are just not on the same page with Yamaha....Their loss.

So there has never been a better time to grab yourself a great cheap Windows 10 pc, which will be of great use to you for at least another 4/5 years. Go get, is my advice.  Get something with NO LESS than 8GB of Ram, and an SSD drive. Avoid Windows 10S edition, and go for an Intel 5 or 7 won't go wrong.

I build and repair pc's....If you want any advice just shout.