DGX670 New Owners Review 2022.

Started by Graham UK, Jan 03, 2022, 04:55 AM

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Graham UK

DGX670 New Owners Review 2022.
I'm just into the 4th week after my purchase of the DGX670.
I'm basically an arranger player but the DGX being initially piano based gives me the opportunity to learn piano when the need takes me.
This is the first weighted key-bed I have owned and after the first few weeks I find it very likeable. The weighted keys do feel and respond like a real piano to play,
The Voicing are all of a very high quality standard providing a good selection and includes the excellent Yamaha CFX Concert Grand Piano.
There are a wide range of styles Pop/Evergreen. Pop/Rock. Ballads. Dance/R&B.
Country/Blues. Jazz/Standards. Entertainment. Latin/World. Pianist. A number of other Yamaha styles can be loaded and played from USB (Although Not All),
Overall appearance is very attractive and the Piano is heavy so not really portable.
There is an optional dedicated stand which I preferred not to purchase.

Three very good playing options which are new to DGX (Not On Other Arrangers)
1. Playing In UNISON or ADDING ACCENT To Style Playback.
2. ADAPTIVE Automatically Shifting The Style Variation, Dependent on you playing pressure.
SIMPLE Button. A quick way to just have Bass & Drums...All other style parts are muted.

It's not all good news because the editing menu is a complete departure from the Yamaha norm and I do wonder what substance R&D were on when they designed the OS Menu.
I understand being a piano and the R&D wanting a clean appearance they have limited the number of button options. 
Every small adjustment one feels is needed, you have to go through a number of button pushes in the Menu. Adjustments to styles have to be resaved in Registrations.
There is thankfully no limit to the number of Registration Banks one can save either in USER or USB.

Prices at present January 2022 is £799 which dare I suggest Yamaha have underpriced this DGX670 so it offers very good value.

Finally anyone wanting a Piano with Arrangement backing styles facilities I suggest you consider purchase of DGX670.



Hi Graham --

Thanks for your review! I'm looking forward to hearing more from you and Steve about the DGX670. Yamaha did a grand job (no pun intended) with its upgrade.

I'm sorely tempted to get one.

All the best -- pj


Graham,  Thanks for what is a very good review or I'll steal PJD's line it's a "grand review."  You've touched upon everything I would have including the OS that takes more effort to get a handle on than my Genos, or former Tyros.  Actually it takes more time than setting up any of the other MOTL and TOTL arrangers.   

From my point of view I bought this for use as a piano.  I was a little skeptical about the piano action and was not convinced I should purchase the DGX670 based on You Tube reviews.  I was so skeptical about the DGX670 that I purchased a Roland RD88 which had no arranger features but did have the equivalent of a drum machine.  The RD88 arrived damaged and getting a replacement was next to impossible due to supply issues.   It just happened I stopped by a local Guitar Center and they had a DGX670 and I was able to demo it. I didn't buy from Guitar Center but from another dealer.   That's all it took I liked the piano action and it is much better than prior DGX series pianos.

I like the fact that the DGX670 has the playlist feature that puts it miles ahead for live play so realistically despite it's weight I could handle transporting it to a gig.  The chances of taking it to a gig are slim anyway since my Genos is set up for gigs. I play a weekly solo piano gig in a building that has 2 grand pianos on 2 different floors so need to take the DGX.  If an opportunity arises to play a piano solo/cocktail hour gig and the venues piano is in bad shape the DGX would solve the problem.   Through the years I've spent so much time setting up arrangers that I'm not willing take the time to do that with the DGX, I need to spend my time working on piano pieces.

Dollar for dollar this is without a doubt the best bang for the buck.  I believe Jeremy See also said that in his You Tube review.   I agree with Graham too Yamaha has underpriced this. 