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Yamaha Pack 80's Greatest Voice Pack

Started by Mrboembas, Dec 10, 2021, 01:47 PM

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Yamaha Pack 80's Greatest Voice Pack
Sound of the 80's.. Does anyone happen to have this package? It is no longer available from the maker... I hope so !!!


Hi Mrboembas,

have you already tried to contact the maker of this pack (Damian Barbarewicz) via email?

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Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Also you can check here for expansion soundpacks with sounds from some legendary synths from the 80's like Jupiter 8, Juno 106, JX8P, SH-101, Korg TRIDENT etc.
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Not all sounds in the same pack but quite cheap so you can get more than one


The problem is that for all these packs you need the yem. And there is not enough space in it.


The YEM will hold as many packs as you like. I have around sixty on mine. The main thing is that the SX900 only has 1Gb of memory so you have to be selective of what you use.


Quote from: fikke on Dec 11, 2021, 05:18 AM
The problem is that for all these packs you need the yem. And there is not enough space in it.

Packs in question are extremely compact. Pack size from 50 - 100 MB, so even if you buy all of them you don't need more than 600 - 750 MB !!!


I have already contacted Damian Barbarewicz via FB but he is no longer responding unfortunately.
And in his packages are more the Jarre and Hammer sounds that I don't hear in the other packages, the other packages are also interesting

Damian Barbarewicz pack So if anyone has this package and would like to make and sell a copy of it, please let me know


Quote from: Mrboembas on Dec 10, 2021, 01:47 PM
Yamaha Pack 80's Greatest Voice Pack
Sound of the 80's.. Does anyone happen to have this package? It is no longer available from the maker... I hope so !!!

Hello !!!
I was very impressed by this video '' J M Jarre Equinoxe 4 PSR S770 '' Youtube link - .
Unfortunately , I can't afford to buy anything anymore ... and I wrote him messages everywhere on the internet , but I still haven't received any answer ... I'm very interested , what are those alien-like voices called / robot , present in Jean Michel Jarre's song , from minute 3:07 to 3:45.
Even now I haven't figured it out , I would very much like to have sounds and rhythms J.M.J. in my Yamaha PSR-S670 ... maybe someone on this forum can help me , please .
Returning to the discussion , I saw that you are interested and maybe something will be useful to you ... Searching on the Internet , I found a personal account for uploading files , which seems to belong to the author of the videos posted by both of us --- Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login ---

With sincere apologies to the owner of the account , if he gets upset when he sees this post , I apologize from now on , but first of all I would like to he knows that I really admire this gentleman , Damian Barbarewicz , and I'm sorry to share that account , but I'm doing this to somehow help other members of this forum ...

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Quote from: Mrboembas on Dec 10, 2021, 01:47 PMYamaha Pack 80's Greatest Voice Pack
Sound of the 80's.. Does anyone happen to have this package? It is no longer available from the maker... I hope so !!!

PSR S710 Synth & Vintage Voices watch demo from youtube video here ->

The voices in format .vce  for Yamaha keyboards domnload links bellow :

PSR S710 Synth & Vintage Yamaha Voices download .vce format here -> Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

PSR S710 Synth & Vintage Yamaha Voices download .vce format here -> Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

MANY THANKS for Damian Barbarewicz & ensoniq16 !!!

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colas musique


My thanks for the generous posting of all this research.
Have a good weekend
With my friendship